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Somewhere in my wicked, miserable past, I must have done something good ....


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I'm a very lucky lady.  Marble mail from a friend ....  a new batch of marble photos and marble ads to go with the rest of the photos and ads and magazines he has sent me as he has digitized his collection of ephemera.   

love, love, love


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know the date on this one?  I'm giving it a general ballpark of "early 1950's"  for now.   

Also ... how many company's marbles do you see in the bag?  (If you click through a couple of times, you can get to a pretty big copy.)



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1 hour ago, Mikie_T said:

SO.... A Marble King bag with 3 different companies marbles in it?

No wonder I am having a hard time with who made what......(???)




So, the history is that this is an early bag -- presumably after the Marble King company was incorporated in 1949 but before they started making their own marbles (which was sometime around 1955).  So looks like Berry Pink just gathered together some colorful marbles for the ad, without worrying too much about whether he could match them when the orders started coming in.   

Mr. Pink bought the factory from Mr. Alley ... so that explains the Alleys in the package.  He jobbered marbles for Mr. Peltier ... so that explains the Peltiers in the package. I think I also see some Akros in there ... and the Akro company had gone out of business around that time so there may have been some surplus floating around, but I thought Master got that.  So ?????  (Ric do you see Akros?)

And what is that marble in the bottom right -- white with orange and yellow stripes?  

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I am not sure the header MARBLE KING is definite for Marble King Company. It may be MARBLE KING for Berry Pink. That was his nickname and what he wanted to be known as MARBLE KING.  You can find this same header with marbles in the bag which were all produced before Marble King Company was formed. You can find bags with the header MARBLE KING which contain all Alley marbles and some contain all Peltier marbles. These bags with the MARBLE KING header can be confusing. They can have all Marble King marbles. They can have no Marble King marbles. They can have a mix of different company marbles. They can be before Marble King was a company. They can be from when Marble King company just began operation and after Marble King company was steady in business.  Berry Pink was a jobber and marble promoter before and during Marble King company operations.  Berry Pink was part owner of the Marble King company. Probably a reason for the name Marble King, his nickname. Another Marble King company owner was Sellers Peltier Jr.  another reason you can find these bags with Peltier marbles. 

These bags can contain late Alley marbles. From Berry Pink as a jobber. Before Marble King company was formed. Also left over  Alley stock when Marble King company was formed.

These bags contain Peltier marbles. From Berry Pink as a jobber. Before Marble King company was formed. Also from Sellers Peltier Jr. part owner of Marble King company.

These bags contain actual Marble King company marbles. 

These bags can contain a mix of different company marbles. From Berry Pink as a jobber. 

There are yellow box sets with a bag which has the marking MARBLE KING in a half circle on the top of the box. These also can be found with all Alleys or all Peltier or all Marble King or a mix.  These boxes can be from before Marble King was formed as a company and after it was a company. The MARBLE KING on the box was for Berry Pink not the Marble King company. These boxes also have the crown on them. Berry Pink liked the crown and being called the MARBLE KING. There are a few pictures of him wearing a crown while promoting marbles with children. 

A original bag or box set with MARBLE KING on it does not mean it has actual Marble King company marbles packaged in it. It can have Marble King company marbles or other companies marbles. 

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Oct.16,1930 Lawrence Alley and Bertha L. Alley purchased a building and formed a business In Sistersville WV as Lawrence Glass Novelty Company for marble production . Berry Pink joined them later during 1931. They had two marble machines designed by Alley. The machines produced 165 marbles per minute or 237,600 a day. The Rosenthal company had been doing business with Alley for some time. Berry Pink suggested to Rosenthal that he should buy the business.  Late 1931 Lawrence Alley sold out to Morris Rosenthal. Berry Pink had been employed by The Rosenthal Company in 1922. In Jan. 1934 Berry Pink sued Morris Rosenthal and the Rosenthal Company of New York. The dispute was over 50% of the stock of Lawrence Glass Novelty. Berry Pink had become head of the company after Alley left. In Dec. 4, 1934  Berry Pink was tried in Tyler County WV (Sistersville)of stealing two marble packaging machines worth $250.00 from Lawrence Glass Novelty plant. He was found innocent. 

In 1931 Berry Pink was also affiliated with Peltier Glass selling their marbles in "Marble King" packages.

 Long time connections of Berry Pink with Lawrence Alley and Peltier Glass.  So you will find Alley Peltier and Marble King marbles in bags and box sets marked Marble King from the MARBLE KING Berry Pink. 

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OK, one other comment here....

This could very well be the reason there is such a mix of marbles here in the south. Being poor in the 30's, 40's and 50's, the south probably saw more bags of marbles from the Marble King company than "brand specific" packages. I do realize that "playing for keeps" would mix marble brands. I personally don't remember seeing much in the way of packages on the shelves EXCEPT for net bags and cellophane bags like the Marble King bag shown above. NOW, THIS IS JUST A THEORY so don't hit me too hard..... LOL. I do know that no matter how many batches of marbles I have been privy to "getting first look" at have been mixes of all makers. 

Just a theory now...... just my theory.......LOL.

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