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  1. I am sad to anounce that Daniel Trilli has passed away at the young age of 24. Daniel was a contemporary boro marble maker and his skills were amazing. He bust out on the scene a few years ago and blew people away with his precision and attention to detail. When I first saw his marbles I thought they were amazing. Then I realized they were like half the size I thought they were. His work inspired people to focus of precision and shape. His sculpting was very inspiring as well. Amazing shapes and flowing designs. Daniel will be deeply missed!! This was a letter written by his best friend Anton. And some photos below of Daniel and his work. I am so saddened to inform you that Daniel Trilli has passed away and is no longer with us on this planet earth. Over the past year I have struggled emotionally and cried many times watching my best friend suffer from Bi-polar disorder and loose his ability to be the artist he was and even a person at times. In the last 4-5 months his medication had been effective and he had started to make some beautiful art marbles again. On Friday (4/13) he ventured into what would be his last headie piece, a 15 section all inside gold and silver dots dry horny thing, but this piece would prove to be fatal. Knowing better but suffering from some mental errors caused by the disorder Daniel worked about 15 hours with NO VENTALATION because of the cold weather, leading to severe metal poising and for several days suffered from vomiting and dehydration. On Monday night his mom brought him to an emergency room in a small grungy New Mexico town, and told them the situation. They only took his blood, told him they would get back to him and released him shortly after arriving because he doesn't have insurance. The following day he was to never wake and we are told by preliminary results that dehydration from the metal poisoning was the proximal cause of his passing. For those of you who didn't know Daniel personally he was one of the most gentle, genuine, compassionate, caring, enthusiastic, ambitious, all around talented, fun, energetic, artistic, friendly, imaginative, positive, shirt off his back well-rounded kind of guy. He will always be my best friend and I will forever dedicate my glass work in his memory. I have spent more time working and talking glass with Daniel Trilli than anyone else and I will try my hardest to use and share the knowledge this great glassblower shared with me, to the world. Daniel really respected all of you who supported, shared knowledge and friendship with him and inspired him along his path of glass work. If you would like me to relay any messages to his family and friends I would gladly do so. Daniel Trilli will never be forgotten and we will always cherish your contribution to the glass world. -Love Always Anton Bodor Check out his gallery!!These marbles are amazing!!! Note the size of the marbles compared to a penny. Here's Daniel: Here he is at work. His left hand was deformed, with only two enlarged fingers, which makes his work all the more amazing: We have lost one of THE masters at super fine, tight details in glass:<br>
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