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Wayne in Winnipeg

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About Wayne in Winnipeg

  • Birthday June 6

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    Winnipeg (no, not a contest for Pirates)

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  1. Thanks Marble Mansion! Are you the same person that maintained that great site by the same name a few years ago? I got most of my info off that site. It was great! I will contact you! Wayne
  2. That Sunset is Gorgeous! The 1" looks amazing. And what'd I tell ya? Does that Al knows his stuff or what? More pics people! WiW
  3. Ha! I thought exactly the same thing! As per the title of my post; "Where have all these older Megas gone"? You never see them on auction and besides the standard 80 or so modern Megas, you never see any old stuff... Even things like my Atomic Fireball and Destroyer took a lot of time to find. I can't believe they were done in small amounts or are that rare? Is it because 1" were only included in nets with the 5/8" ones? Or is it simply the fact no one actually collected them? Now, (and this has been the case as long as I've been doing it) dealers sell the 1" (and bigger) all by their lonesome. How long has this practice been around? WiW [email protected]
  4. Hey guys! Thanks for the warm welcome... What a great forum! Steph, I'd love to see what the "Sunset" looks like... could you please post a pic? Yes, the Dalmation is very cool. I like the Labyrinth too! Sue, thanks for the Marbleman connection. Will contact him. Here's even more from Al Rasmus' big bad list of Megas (up until a week or two ago I had not previously even heard of these) Al and I both suspect that some of these may have been re-named. Al specializes in packaging and he's at loss for most of these too. Africa (apparantly for European market) Corals Corsairs Diamond Crystal Galactica Glitter Mamba Mirage Perico Pirates Rainbow (aka Gumballs) Red Baron Ribbons Sahara Silver Spotties Starburst Stardust Steelies (I wonder if these are simply Steely Torpedoes? Sunset Tapeworm Tomatoes Yellow Peril Zulu Anyone heard of any of these? If so, post pics please! I thought I might only need a couple dozen to complete the set, but with color variants I could need closer to 100 or more. I would love to see a photographic record of all of them. The catalogs are good, but seem to miss a lot of variations and names as well. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up being the one to do a proper catalog. WiW
  5. I guess this is my debut post here... Been enjoying the forums and the archives for a couple weeks now. I collect Mega, Jabo Classics and Contemporary marbles in the 1" size. One of my current projects is trying to assemble a complete "Master Set" of modern Mega 1" marbles. It's quite a task taking into account the number of color vaiants that many came in (for example I have 9 completely different "clearys") and they continue to add to the line (The "Lilac Catseye" just came out last year) Stuck at about 160, I have provided a couple people with my "Need" list and have been having trouble finding info on a fewer old Megas from (I'm guessing late 90's / early 00's) Anyone heard of or seen these in 1"? ("Dalmation", "Labyrinth", "Scorpion", "Bloody") The "Scorpions" look familar, but I don't have anything in my collection that looks quite like them. I wonder if some of these older marbles were actually even made in 1" This one "Frosty Rainbow" is another I have never seen. I have one "Flame" where the interior color is best described as blue. Have never seen any others. These again, look familar but I don't own any: Question: Is the "Owl" the same as a "Wicked Owl"? And can anyone post a pic of a 1" "Yellow Jacket"? (I have confused this with the "Bumblebee" for years) I used to frequent a site called "Marble Mansion" who had great pics / descriptions of many older Megas, but sadly the site has disappeared. Rainbow Turtle has been a great source of newer Megas and was able to land me some older ones a few years ago but my hunt has stalled. Mega collector Al R. has also been a big help. The list Al gave me has many more that I have not heard of or seen pics of. Al figures some of them might never have been done in 1" and that many may be old names or names for other markets. I will post the complete list next time. I'm from Winnipeg and pickings here are slim with virtually all my marbles being procured online (although I did find a Destroyer at a buck store though) Thanks to the guys at KCMC for hosting the great catalog pics from which I nicked the pics I used here. Anyone 1" Mega fanatics out there? Any links, contacts or info would be greatly appreciated. WiW (aka 300kph) Not a member here? Mail me at [email protected]
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