I collect Art Glass of all era's, Pottery, Porcelain, Figurines and poker chips. Just starting to like marbles and learning how to Identify them. After all the real fun in collecting... No matter what it is..... Is the thrill of the hunt and the discovery of what is found.
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Hello again, I have another marble. I think it is a MF Christensen but not sure. Very large in size: 1.6 inches in diameter. Green, white, some clear and a faint blue or possibly turquoise. Any Ideas? Merry Christmas Every One!!
I am using a digital caliper. In case you are wondering I had to re register under the name Poolplayer because for some reason I could not login under WCFeilds. Here is some more info. The glass in my opinion is more opaque than translucent. Some of the glass glows under a UV light and most of the glass does not. I also have not found any of those white spots on the glass that are commonly found on Jabo marbles caused by the manufacturing process.