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  1. Thanks to everyone for all the info. and help with photos! I probably will have to attend a marble show and have someone look at them. I got these about 33 years ago at a flea market in Cleveland, OH and the elderly woman that sold them to my mother insisted that they were given to her by a relative that worked for the C.A.C. Company. That meant nothing to my Mom and I back then, I was just a young kid then that loved marbles and thought they were "neat". I kept them in the top of my closet for years and would take them out from time to time to look at them. I truly love them and hate to sell them but I'll just have too see. Thanks again for all the help!
  2. I'm having a terrible time trying to upload my pics but Lou the Administrator is helping me by posting them for me.
  3. Hi, I have this box of Christensen Agate Marbles that I've had for a long time and I think I am ready to possibly sell them. I was wondering if anyone has any idea of their value? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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