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  1. Wow! I feel like I'm on Antiques Roadshow being told that my marbles are golden! Thanks for the info and advice. Steph, I love that you have a picture of another box like I have! Thank you for posting that. Scott, you asked if I plan to sell, and that is my eventual intention. Realizing that I have something potentially pricier than I realized I'll need to figure out how to manage this. The International Association of Marble Collectors is having a show close to where I live this coming July, perhaps I'll learn something more there, too. Advice on selling marbles (and the box itself, apparently) is welcome! You asked for photos of the shooters. I'll post photos for each of the four marbles in separate posts. Here are photos for the first one which I will affectionately call "Marble #1." Thanks again everyone! Diane
  2. Hi everyone. I love this forum! I hope you can help me figure out what I have. I bought this box of marbles in the mid-80's at a flea market, and I'd love to figure out what these are! First, do you think this is a jobber box? There are no identifying letters or numbers on it. Second, what do the marbles look like to you? I'm posting a photo of the whole set, and close-ups of two of them. One of the close-up photo marbles is 3/4" diameter, and has turquoise, yellow and black swirled together. The other close-up photo marble is just shy of 3/4" diameter, and has mint-green, yellow and red swirled together. Let me know what you think. Thank you! Diane
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