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  1. It was great to meet you Joe (and your gang of very polite shorties)! I had a great time as a newbie...not to mention all my winnings! Rocki
  2. Great info...thank you all!!! And I will look for KoKo Ken, and Rick - if you are out there...I hope to find you as well. Now this maybe stupid, but I like to be polite...is there a code of ethics I am unaware of...for instance dont touch a marble unless you ask or dont show your marbles unless you are invited to...etc... Just writing that seems sort of over analytical but well, I am....I am sure I will be just fine...reading all the replies has made me very excited!! and David, I will try to keep my especially ugly mibs to myself...I would not want to make a bad impression
  3. I was just wondering what to expect at the Crossroads marble show in kokomo this weekend? It will be my first show. I was thinking of getting a room on Friday if possible. I am a newbie, but catching on fairly fast...(yeah right) As I was looking at a friends old marbles (not really a collection but more like a jar and bag full from his youth)it occured to me that I have only seen actual marbles, not in a book or computer, but in my hand, other than my own, on 2 occasions...so I am quite sure this show will be very educational! I wanted to bring some of my marbles for possible "in room trading" friday night but as I have never been to a show I am not sure how that works exactly...I certainly cant just walk into peoples hotel rooms with a box of marbles saying "got mibs?"...or will these trades be by invitation only? I am going to be on my own as my husband is throughly uninterested so a little insight might be helpful. Are there any unwritten rules or collector edicate that I should know?? Will they laugh and snarl when I pull out a common mib that I have mis-identified? Will I run into many with an attitude like David's? (just kidding david!) Thanks...and if you're going and you see a sort out of place lady with curly hair...that would be me, please say hi.
  4. I have a friend in his sixties who has a nice marble collection, he has a bee (actual insect) embeded in a marble. I have not seen it but has anyone heard of this??
  5. I have some smaller cat's with aventurine...not quite as packed as that though still neat.
  6. I have a bunch of Pelt's bananas in the large collection of marbles...I know that the mibs pictured here are called bananas but what I am wondering is if some have aventurine in them...I have several green ones that have darker streaks of greeen in them. I also have pictured here two of a few that I have that have streaks of transparent color on the surface or near the surface of the banana(like the yellow banana pictured with the blue steak running from pole to pole) or another color - like opaque red in the banana itself. Anybody know about banana's with a whisp of color or aventurine??
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