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  1. Oh dear, I'm starting to feel bad for my little glass egg from China that someone hand-made only to be sold in a dollar store in the U.S. :-( Are we absolutely sure that it isn't a 2,000,000 year-old relic that was made by an Australopithecus afarensis as a hand warmer while hunting? On a more serious note, can you help me with these. They have backwards 6's or 9's on them. Thanks.
  2. oops, I meant Easter eggs....I think....
  3. This picture may help. Do they make hand-made marbles in China?
  4. Hi, Can you give me any idea of what type of marble this is? It is oval and there appear to be pontil marks on both ends. Thanks!
  5. It's funny. When I saw that picture, it made me think of my own pet. But she was a dog, and my guess is that now they're both enjoying chasing mice and rabbits. Just hope mine stays away from the skunks. She didn't do well at it down here:-) Fond memories though right? I heard on TV last night that kids laugh an average of 70 times a day and adults twelve. They must not have polled the animal lovers:-)
  6. Thank you so much. It was making me nuts! Pretty cat by the way!
  7. These were in the same box. The green one measures 1 1/4". The other two are 1 1/2".
  8. Hi, Can you help me ID these? They measure about 1 1/2". Thanks in advance.
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