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Everything posted by GrassHopper

  1. Thank You. That was what I was thinking when I started looking up marbles in my collection. Being new to it I needed the opinion.
  2. I have waited a month for the latest marble book to be released at Borders. Now that I have it I am wondering just how accurate it is. Being new to marbles has just amazed me. How accurate is the Everett Grist, "Big Book of Marbles"?
  3. I have came to the conclusion that I better go buy a price guide. It would be cheaper than getting a new camera. So the wife and I are heading to Borders Book Store today.
  4. I've been practicing my marble photography but still get pretty crappy looking up close pics...Soon as i figure out how to get good ones i will post a few of those from below tape. Maybe you folks can give me a ballpark figure of what they are actually worth.
  5. Sorry it has taken so long to get back ....I did learn it is pretty hard to get a good picture of a marble with the camera I have. I hope you can tell me something about a few of these. I have attached the best picture i could get.If the pictures not good enough let me know wich ones you think could use closer looking at and I will try getting a single picture of that marble alone.Thanks Again
  6. I received an old glass cookie jar full of my deceased father in laws childhood marbles, he played when he was youngster. He graduated high school in 1958 so I am guessing that the marbles are from the late 1940's. I have done a little research on some of them and see that there maybe a few of substantial value. Is there anyplace in Ohio I can have them looked at by someone with more knowledge about them? Any help will be appreciated. I have attached a few pictures of some of them, there are more.
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