Hi All
Since I am spending the day reading these forums, Practicing marble pics and other tasks I would like to ask you all a few more questions. First what is the best way to package and send a larger quantity of marbles-in this case 58- so they are well protected. ( in the future I might have up to 100 to send ) I have sent lower quantities -up to 28- and just bubble wrapped the individual marbles or put them in groups of 3, wrapped in bubble wrap and taped all around. They fit in a small priority mail box but I don't know if this larger group will fit in the small box and I don't want to go to a larger size box. Secondly can I download pics directly from photobucket or do I have to download them from my pics computer files? I'll stop for now but I'm sure I will come up with more questions soon. You all seem wonderfully responsive and helpful and I really appreciate it. Thanks Wendy