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  1. Hi David, Thanks for the tip about the zip lock bags. Yes I can get those and it will save me a whole lot of time. I remember I once sent about 90 marbles to someone to sell for me . I wrapped them all individually in bubble wrap and taped them within an inch of their lives. I wonder if he has forgiven me for that yet!
  2. Thanks for your input again and beautiful marbles and photos. What light source are you using for those pics? It looks like one bulb above and to the side of the marbles. Also what are they sitting on for the pics? Thanks again Wendy
  3. Hi All Since I am spending the day reading these forums, Practicing marble pics and other tasks I would like to ask you all a few more questions. First what is the best way to package and send a larger quantity of marbles-in this case 58- so they are well protected. ( in the future I might have up to 100 to send ) I have sent lower quantities -up to 28- and just bubble wrapped the individual marbles or put them in groups of 3, wrapped in bubble wrap and taped all around. They fit in a small priority mail box but I don't know if this larger group will fit in the small box and I don't want to go to a larger size box. Secondly can I download pics directly from photobucket or do I have to download them from my pics computer files? I'll stop for now but I'm sure I will come up with more questions soon. You all seem wonderfully responsive and helpful and I really appreciate it. Thanks Wendy
  4. Thanks for reminding me about the white balance. Forgot about that setting. wendy
  5. Mike beautiful pics and marbles! I have a decent digital camera and am now learning how to use some of it's more difficult features ie. appature and speed settings. I'm still confused about when to use wide appature hi speed or vice versa with all its combos. I'll keep practcing. Thanks wendy
  6. Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum but not so new to marble collecting. I intend to sell some marbles on e-bay but my picture taking skills are not that great. In particular how do you photograph clear marbles ie cat's eyes - to show the color inside? I have many where I want to show the hybred nature or to show adventurine that is deeeper inside the marble. I also have colored base glass transparents with swirls inside. Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks was25
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