hi everyone, this post is for all to consider, here is what i think is a pelt superman, sold as one, then was ask for a refund " which was givin " because buyer thought it was a newer vacor. buyer also stated he/she was a 25 year collector, a few of us looked at this mib & we all agreed it was a pelt. were we wrong? was this a lesson to be learned about how close some older & newer mibs can fool even the most groomed mib collector , or just a buyers fear of whats out there, trying not to make a mistake on a high dollar mib? i know vacor has been around for awhile, they did make "want to be" superman's , but man if this is a vacor, it's a very scary copy of a PSM. just trying to learn as much as i can about identifing the various makers and the mibs that are so close to originals that they can fool even the serious collector. i realize mib in hand is alway's the best to id. but here is lot's of pic's to atleast comment on. there is alway's much to learn in this hobby , & i think i'm getting better at it. i just figured i would share this with everyone here so we could get some good debating going. & i can learn even more from all your thought's !! ........thanks to everyone who chimes in, let the debate bigin..........terry