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About ter215

  • Birthday 02/15/1967

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  • Location
    cleveland hts. ohio
  • Interests
    marbles, stamp collecting, fishing , my family & friends

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  1. hi everybody !!.....had a rough year & half, but i'm back, glad to see everyone !!!

  2. the buyer did seem insecure & very rude. i didn't want any problems, & your right, satifaction is very important to me. thanks for your imput sami, that was very inlightening !! lol.
  3. bill's color id sounds right to me too, & you gotta love dave, he is very striaght foward, no messing around, just great !! thanks for your thought's chuck you all have been very helpful !!
  4. i really like this mib. it has a really unique swirl to it, thinking about relisting, but this person through me for a loop, i am a very honest person & wasn't sure what to do? this is pretty good size at 23/32. , does have a flake & a few pinpricks, mainly on that one side. but looks gorgous in hand. ... everyone has been super nice to me here , just wanted to thank you all for all your help, this is a great forum !!! many more id's to come !!!
  5. thanks for your thoughts bill, thats very interesting !!
  6. thanks for commenting dave, i tried to tell the buyer, but they wouldn't listen. so i gave a refund, i by no means blame anyone here i would never do that. everyone here has been sooooo helpful to me, hope what i wrote doesn't suggest that. was just trying to create a study hall type of post. just trying to learn as much as i can also. i realize the pic's are not that great with a lot of glare, but we all thought the same as you........thanks again dave
  7. last views.....took pic's of every angle, used direct lighting, hope they are clear enough......thanks everyone !!!
  8. hi everyone, this post is for all to consider, here is what i think is a pelt superman, sold as one, then was ask for a refund " which was givin " because buyer thought it was a newer vacor. buyer also stated he/she was a 25 year collector, a few of us looked at this mib & we all agreed it was a pelt. were we wrong? was this a lesson to be learned about how close some older & newer mibs can fool even the most groomed mib collector , or just a buyers fear of whats out there, trying not to make a mistake on a high dollar mib? i know vacor has been around for awhile, they did make "want to be" superman's , but man if this is a vacor, it's a very scary copy of a PSM. just trying to learn as much as i can about identifing the various makers and the mibs that are so close to originals that they can fool even the serious collector. i realize mib in hand is alway's the best to id. but here is lot's of pic's to atleast comment on. there is alway's much to learn in this hobby , & i think i'm getting better at it. i just figured i would share this with everyone here so we could get some good debating going. & i can learn even more from all your thought's !! ........thanks to everyone who chimes in, let the debate bigin..........terry
  9. thanks kbobam, your right, they look just like a banana, in my other pic's i have they even got a black top, just like a real banana. they are pretty sweat!! .........lol
  10. thanks steph, that blue glass is pretty cool, i can alway's count on you!! .....your the best !!
  11. i think these are pelt banana's cateye's in blue base glass? the one is a split banana? can anyone confer for me, i put the clear glass one in the pic for comparison.......thanks for any info. " i am about to put a lot of 121 catseye mibs on the bay, lots of crossthroughs, many different color combo's , plus shooters, oddballs, aventurines etc." ..... just a heads up. ...thanks to everyone!! .....terry
  12. those are really cool !! , that little cross through is pretty sweet , have not seen many of those. man that's small !!
  13. that is the first i've ever seen like that !! ....a really cool mib, you should call it a winter tad, mine a summer tad !! ha! ha! , pretty sweet!
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