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  1. melanie

    Marble Id

    Ok I took a nap and came back and found the right one within minutes. Here is the other one you wanted to see I took both sides of this also. Don't forget my auction is ending today. Thanks Melanie
  2. melanie

    Marble Id

    Heres the green one. I"m still trying to find the other one. I know its here it's just finding it.
  3. melanie

    Marble Id

    Ok, I'm pretty sure I know the difference now between two marbles. The popeye and the slag. The rest is pretty much still unknown. Are all makers colors and markings different. For instance the coloring of an Akro slag different then a pelt? Are the swirllys different? I've been looking at these slags trying to decide who made what. But I'm still not sure. If there a way to tell? Thanks I seem to be drawn to the blue marbles. I didn't even realize I liked blue that much.
  4. melanie

    Marble Id

    I can't get a good picture of it. But its got the coloring. I tried taking a picture of it with my digital camera but it just comes out looking black and I tried on my scanner too. I have two of them, one is a little larger than the other. I have a little heart dish sitting here that as I go through the jar I am picking out what I like and I'm keeping. I didn't go through the jar I listed on ebay and I can't now. That's my own fault, but the other two will be looked at carefully. Once I get my "beginners kit" together I'll scan it and put it on and you guys can tell me if I made some half decent choices. Melanie
  5. melanie

    Marble Id

    As you can see I have added an avatar. I have no clue what this marble is but I was wondering if it is another one I should hang on to. Also I ask earlier in this post I did indeed have Christensen Agate Slags. Heres another picture but it's better. I just am checking to see how I'm doing.
  6. melanie

    Marble Id

    The two I think are agates, I ran my fingernail all around them and didn't feel any flea bites. I haven't checked them with a loop though. I have a little dish here with marbles I'm going to keep. Some of them aren't in great shape, but they're pretty and I like them. Some of them are in fairly good shape if someone is interested. We'll see. But I have probably a dozen or more that I'm keeping I don't care what he says. I'm putting my foot down.
  7. melanie

    Marble Id

    Guess what I did find it. Yeah ME
  8. melanie

    Marble Id

    I'm pretty sure I figured it out. Now my next question is this. I found these two marbles in the last jar I have. I think (mind you think) they might be Christensen Agate Orange Slag. I'm sure they're an agate. Well pretty sure.
  9. melanie

    Marble Id

    Is it along the outside edge with the yellow marble above it. I looked and I guess I should get my glasses cause i'm not seeing which one you mean. Thanks
  10. melanie

    Marble Id

    This is the second jar of marbles. There are two in there, that I really can't seem to find anything that looks like them. Without light they look like silver ball bearings but under the light they are blue and green. They're in the middle of the picture. Theres a few on this lot that I am keeping for myself. I can't wait for flea market season. Hehe MElanie
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