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  1. Glad you got them Mike! It was a pleasure doing business. On to the next barn!
  2. I cant say that they are "new" since they are so old. They look to be unused with not chips dings or pitting. Could some one on here set me up with an serious honest buyer? I'm willing to drive and meet up or send as many pictures as need.
  3. The original offer fell threw. I tried to get ahold of the person but when it can down to it they never responded. I feel like I was lead on a wild goose chase, originaly I thought I'd get a couple hundred bucks. But after talking to some really nice people in the marble community I learned that these where kinda special. I'm an honest person and thought the bidder was aswell. I would like these to finda a nice home and be appericated by someone who know's and loves marbles. I learned quite a bit about marbles thanks to this site and a few others. I now know the beauty that you all see. Basical I'd like to keep these but, I have a child on the way and need to money. So I thought ebay was the most honest way to get exposer and let everyone see them. These are real, it was a great barn score that we all hope to find on day. Thank you everyone for the info and help. I meant no disrespect with the other offers, I was just promised a large sum and my eyes lit up.
  4. Yes these are the marbles on ebay. Someone got my hopes up with a $5800 offer, but never responded to my emails. So from what I was offered from multiple people I decided to place them on ebay. I found then in the garage and thought I might get a couple hundred bucks, but then when a few collectors told me about them I got pretty excited as anyone would when that kinda number is thrown around. So it's all money to me and will that the highest ebay offer. You want more photos you got it I will take more. I'm an die hard honest person and am willing to meet up with anyone that wants to look at these. I have no reason to scam anyone and didnt even know that such a marble collection world was around.
  5. Sorry about that. I'm really glad your interested in these but the current bid is a bit higher that that. These are in great condition and look amazing. 81 in total with a great box.
  6. I was thinking about selling them, any idea's on a price?
  7. I figured out how to post a picture to the original forum. Also sent to your email a couple photos
  8. Yes I took a few photo's but cant seem to get them up loaded here. I have 81 new in the box labeled Christensen Agate Co. sole distributor The Gropper Onyx Marble Co. 225 Fourth Ave NY NY. I'm trying to get the image uploaded.
  9. ello, I was cleaning out my barn which has a lot of my great uncles stuff in it from when he passed. He was am amazing guy with great stories about WWII, growing up, and about life. He held onto everything and the original packaging. Well I found these marbles and was wondering if you could tell me what you think about then. I have looked on-line and realize kinda what I got but not 100% sure yet. Any info would be great. Thank you, https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/?ui=2&ik=1e1e0b5a7b&view=att&th=13a5abb1dc9495d7&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_h88vn01z0&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8et7wcwmlmNFyc7g2rmLKN&sadet=1350151744350&sads=rUaKp6wPp0_pTLyE2AxCjr51YtY
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