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Everything posted by Pony

  1. Ron & Nola: Did not mention names and had no problems with either of you. Please keep what you have as hopefully you enjoy the finds. We have let you and your friends in and enjoyed speaking with you all and have learned from you both. But we have also let others in and have others to stop by or found others poking around when not invited. Again, not you. Did not mean to instigate anything or have ill feelings when posted previous posting. Again,we have had others we have let in and again have found un-invited people on our property, from that, we have decided not to let any further people in. Again, not a problem with either of you and please feel free to keep what you have. This was not the intention of previous post.
  2. As far as I know nothing has been done to the building except some paint from time to time. The roof is to a point that it needs a little TLC.
  3. I have no idea behind the RRC but it is up at the top of the wall. As for a reputable "digger" I think I will stick with people that I know do to what has happened in the past. And the ground hog has a home here as long as he wants to stay.
  4. The large transparent swirls look to be 3/4.
  5. Have some pics now how do I post them?
  6. I will take some pics as soon as I can. All of the equipment was remove before 1975 when my Dad rented the main part of the building. There is a big wheel that I think they use for a belt drive for some of the equipment and a water tank up on the wall. As for artifacts just me. I will get some pics of the marbles the groundhog found for us soon also.
  7. What kind of pics would you like? And yes to the marbles. Well the groundhog that stops buy form time to time has found a few for us. Back a few years ago I let a couple of people in to see the inside but told them that nothing was to come out well to make this short and sweet they went in and was putting things in there pockets. From that point on I will not let anyone in or on the property. I had thought about having a dig on the property but after that I don't tink I will.
  8. Thank You Steph! As far as the Ravenswood factory and the marbles I know just enough to get myself introuble.
  9. Helllo all, My name is Steve and I live in Ravenswood and also own the Old Ravenswood Marble Factory.
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