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Everything posted by THEMARBLEGALAXY
And just to clarify my earlier statement: I am not asking you guys for your MINT marbles, please do not send those. I don't need them - Each one of these marbles represents one child at St. Jude's - so it is almost required that it have some sort of mark or irregularity to remind the owner of the connection. Because the Kids at St. Jude's could have a nick or ding as well. But they are both Survivors! So all cold rolls are welcome!!!
We are shooting for a date of 10/23/14 for The Marble Galaxy, "Adopt-A-Marble" Charity Auction for St. Jude's Children's Hospital... it is also our 4 year marriage anniversary. We are going to try very hard to get it done by that date. And we will hopefully have the Official St. Jude's Seal of Approval - and we are going to do a LOT of GOOD for the KIDS at St. Jude's. AND, I want to thank all the guys and gals up there in West Virginia and all the way over to California that came out in support of what we are doing.
I donate to charity through many of my auctions. For me, it actually started with a $2,000 investment in 50 skateboards with marbles on it that I could not give away on eBay they were expensive and difficult to ship. So, I decided I would just give them to kids myself. When I saw some of their reactions, I knew that is what I would do with those skateboards... and that is what I have done! It made me feel good. But either way, after Monday, we will know more... and we are thinking that we will need ALL of the Jokers Marbles that they can SELL US from that day and all of the Survivors Run marbles I can get my hands on that were done that day! So this is a message to all of the Jokers and all the investors from that day 9/20//14. We, Then Marble Galaxy, Adopt a Marble / St. Jude's may need ALL the marbles we can get from that day. We will purchase them, you do not have to donate them. You will be giving to something that is going to be epic! Any and everyone involved will get the recognition they deserve.
On the heels of the Sistersville Marble Festival, the Marble Galaxy would like to give the opportunity to JABO to make this right. Especially since we were wrong not give them that chance when they were reaching out to us for that reason. We will be on a conference call with the coordinator of special events and the Board of Directors of St. Jude's Children's Hospital this Monday from 11 am est. - 11:30 am est. They have had our proposal for months for this project and it is now starting to receive the attention it deserves! We already know from our conversation with them yesterday, we do not have enough marbles - we are either going to go after the other investors, or accept marbles from other places that have willingly tried to donate their own marbles, or we can ask Jabo for another Share! If Jabo "sells" or better yet, "Donates", what we thought we were getting as an investor share, to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, so that we have enough marbles to make this project a success, without going to other investors, we can move forward - and I will make Jabo the hero's that I came here to make them in the first place. If Jabo were to step up to the plate to do what so many others have been more than glad to do and that is to DONATE an entire SHARE to St. Jude's, JABO becomes the HERO in this situation that should not exist because this is for kids with cancer. If this is something they will consider, call me before Monday 11 am to discuss the details so we can give Dare the passcodes to patch into that conference call where he can make the announcement to St. Jude's of Jabo's decision. The Marble Galaxy is giving 80% of the proceeds of these marbles to St. Jude's! This is a way for you guys down at Jabo to come out of this... well, looking better than me! And you know - I will give credit where credit is due! Steven.
I only want to make sure I get credit for my part of the WRONG DOING here: We should NOT have left the plant with something we were unhappy with - something that we poured our heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears into. I should NOT have retaliated against them while they were calling to see what they could do to make it right - I did not feel they could make it right at that point. And no amount of marbles would change how I left that plant feeling. If you guys think it is about a couple of boxes of marbles you are wrong. I have millions of marbles and more on the way! It was about the kids at St. Jude's that we are trying to help. That is the passion that everyone saw on our US and this Project that we were so passionate about. It was not about the marbles; it was about the kids with Cancer. I apologize for any and all wrong that I played in this horrible, unfortunate turn of events. ST
We have had a long relationship with Jabo, and we felt mislead and hurt. After seeing how the Jokers split up there earnings, I assumed that is how we were to split up ours. I may have misheard or Dare may have misspoke... Either way I want to thank everyone who has been reaching out to us and supporting us - and that includes Dare at Jabo. He has probably left me 16 messages since that day... some good and some bad. But that is ok, I probably deserved that one. Dare, the only thing I need from Jabo is time. ST
We worked on a six hour run that produced over 1000 pounds of marbles. We purchased one share of the entire 6 hour run we worked on... just like Russ and Dave did. We got 100 pounds. And were not allowed to touch 1/4 of the marbles we produced! The entire 6 hour run SHOULD HAVE BEEN all mixed up and split into 6 equal shares... one for each of the hours purchased or not. And then each share - be it 3.6 boxes each or 8.5 boxes each - should be numbered and you put the numbers 1-6 in a hat and all the investors draw a number and those are the boxes they should get. This is not what happened. It never got mixed. It never got split into equal shares. But the marbles don't matter. Sending more marbles don't change what happened. It is the fact they did it that hurts. And you can not undo it. But, I know one thing for sure, "We will do more good with our 5 boxes than they will with the rest of the 700 pounds they kept".
I thought I had a true friend down there at Jabo... I was wrong! And my only purpose for joining this Blog was to tell the story of what a wonderful thing Jabo was doing for us. Because they called me and told me that people were thinking it was another jabo scam. So, I wanted to set the record straight. I hope I have done that. I never understood why there was such a negative stigma attached to the JABO label - I TOTALLY GET IT NOW. HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS AND THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE REVEAL: THE JOKER TEAM has decided to help us in this worthy venture! So, this is WAY better because these guys are the right people for the cause. So, for the first time EVER... The Marble Galaxy will be teaming up with the JOKERS... they are going to donate an entire box of their beautiful marbles to put with our own and contribute to the cause FOR ST. JUDE'S CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL! THANK YOU to the JOKERS! They will get recognition on our certificates of authenticity!!! So glad we did not print them yet with the curse word, "JABO" on it.
I just feel bad for the guy that drove from the middle of Florida all the way to Ohio just for 5 medium boxes... He paid $400 per box, plus travel, plus 2 nights lodging, plus he never did give to charity like he thought... just bad business. But it is ok, you live and learn! Thank you so much for your concern.
It is ok, we wanted to do something really special. But, there is just to much taint about those marbles. I really do not know what I am going to do with them. I certainly will NOT advertise them as the cancer survivors run when all the colors of the cancer ribbons were not used and they stole from kids with cancer on MORE THAN ONE occasion. I am going to remove the name JABO from all my listings, and I will be unloading MY ENTIRE JABO COLLECTION OF EBAY. And we welcome anyone to challenge us on our statement here. Steven added every color during the 6 hour run, and I DUMPED every single bucket that filled the 13 containers. We could only take from 9 of them... they took the best looking 4. So even if they did have all the colors of the cancer ribbons, they did not let the investors get all the colors anyway. When asked about only one of the missing colors, I was told, "it has not came in yet"... I said, omm Grey is BRAIN CANCER... kinda important.... And if they say, well those were not their marbles... then why did we work on it for the final 2 hours when we could have been sleeping. I really was blindsided this morning when I arrived at the plant and had a nice lavender and purple marble in my pocket that was too big and was removed from the line into the cull and the first container we saw was a full container of those... we said oww they are beautiful - WE were told, "those are not yours they are jo jos". AND I HAD ONE IN MY POCKET AND THE BOTTOM OF ONE OF THE 9 BUCKETS WE COULD GET FROM, WERE FULL OF THE VERY SAME MARBLES that they called jo jos I was a horrible experience. I was hurt, shocked, and appalled that they would actually do that. Their Business Ethics are not in line with our own and we will NEVER knowingly purchase another JABO marble.
Well... all the excitement was for nothing! JABO INC did not have half the colors of the cancer ribbons on site. I know because I added every drop of color to this run personally. But not only that, the last 2 hours of the run turned out beautiful and JABO stole all of that and would not let the investors who created it, have any of it. And they even had the balls to name the ones they stole from the kids with cancer survivors run - the jo jo run after the owner who stole them. I would not put my name on anything that was stolen from kids with cancer! AND one gentleman drove all the way from Florida mostly because there was a full share advertised on ebay for $2,400 wherein they were giving 10% to the Childrens Cancer Society. Well, they sold him that share for $2,000 and sent a pay pal invoice to get around, not only the ebay fees but also from DONATING ANYTHING to Charity! And he and I only got 5 medium flat rate boxes for our FULL ONE HOUR SHARE. IF THEY ADVERTISE, "ALL THE COLORS OF THE CANCER RIBBONS", IT IS A LIE. And the JO JO run was stolen from kids with CANCER. FOR THESE AND MANY OTHER REASONS, THE MARBLE GALAXY WILL NOT CONTINUE TO DO BUSINESS WITH JABO INC. STEVEN AND SUSAN THIGPEN OF THE MARBLE GALAXY
someoldandsomenew2 is the main eBay site that Jabo uses to sell marbles. You can go to the listing the item number 251625950060. This is the listing where you can pre purchase a 20 pound case... one has been purchased already... so 10% of that sell has already been donated to The American Cancer Society!!! And 10% of each and everyone sold will automatically be taken out by eBay and Pay Pal and donated to the American Cancer Society. JABO is also selling an entire investor share - item number 251632011213. This is a $2,400 item. AND 10% of that will be going to The National Children's Cancer Society if and when it sells! There are no games. We all have a friend or loved one that has been affected by Cancer. We are not trying to profit from the hardships of others... This is an attempt to celebrate those who have been touched by Cancer and have lived to tell about it!!!
These are being sold by Jabo just like any other Jabo marbles... This was a special request from a customer of mine, "Pam Padilla", who wanted to put together jars of marbles - one representing each one of her cancer treatments, therapies, etc. I told the story to my friends at Jabo and they decided to do this special run not just for her but for all the SURVIVORS of all the different Cancers. As far as charity goes, I am specifically talking about the pre-sale of these marbles on eBay by someoldandsomenew2... which is not me, by the way. I am themarblegalaxy... and I am not affiliated with Jabo. I just like their marbles and have a close business relationship with them. Susan.
I can not wait to see and be a part of History with this exciting upcoming 3/4" Marble RUN by JABO. Dare Hawkings and I put together the list of colors for this run... that was the easy part because we just used ALL the colors for the cancer ribbons - WOW - lavender, gold, blue, green, burgandy, teal.... If you love JABO 3/4" Collector Marbles, you must be a part of this run. JABO is donating 10% of the proceeds of this run to CANCER RESEARCH!!! A special thank you goes out to JOANNE ARGABRITE & DARE HAWKING for putting this together for our MARBLE FAMILY. A MILLION THANKS Susan, CEO themarblegalaxy eBay Store.