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Everything posted by atothej

  1. Sorry I seem to have uploaded tiny pics let me try again
  2. Oh interesting. Any particular name for this one?
  3. Cool, great to get a consensus.
  4. Yeah I make things up without meaning to.
  5. This has ridges on the green glass.
  6. Colors look pelty but the cutline is straighter than I'm used to.
  7. Here's another gray based pelt I assume... Are these worth anything?
  8. Anybody recognize this? I can't even figure out where the cutlines are.
  9. Clear base, semi opaque white, translucent yellow. Beauty.
  10. I know swirls are notoriously hard to identify but I'll put this one out there anyway, you guys know more than I do...
  11. This has that fold that I sometimes see on CAC photos.
  12. Hey y'all -- hope you had a happy easter. I'm guessing this is a pelt, but it has a dark gray base (darker than the pics). Is that uncommon? Thanks!
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