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  1. Oh neat! Thank you. There is just the one patch on the yellow marble, and luckily it's the only one like it that I have. I do have a few that have the double patch of a single color, so I'll mark those as Marble King.
  2. Slightly different angle (and an accidental marble swap on the 3rd one from the left)
  3. Hopefully these are the angles you all were looking for. Let me know and I can take additional photos.
  4. Thank you! It's great to find such a helpful community. And thank you for the I.D.s!
  5. At least I think they're patches. From the left: 1, 3, and 4 have some transparence. 2 is all white with just that yellow bit. The 4th one (purple with white) has a bit of clay transfer from being in a jar, so ignore the brownish ring on the right part of the marble. Any help appreciated.
  6. Hi all. I believe the center two are Akros and one of them is an indian blanket (please let me know if I'm wrong here), and I have no idea what the other two are. The first on the left has an indent where the swirl ends. Any ideas? Thank you!
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