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  1. Alright ask and you shall receive! the yellow amber colour you see is only in one area the remainder of the base glass is clear.
  2. Hello again, well picked up some interesting marbles and I think I am able to identify them but would love a second opinion To start I believe these are all some variation of a cateye marble. Group Shot 1st Marble Blue and what looks like brown on the ends there is a solid band of blue in the center with ribbons of blue with brown around it. I was thinking Caged Cateye Hybrid but that solid ribbon in the center has me perplexed. it is also 0.600 Inches in diameter at it's widest which would land it just over 19/32" 2nd Marble somewhat similar to first marble but this one has less ribbons actually it has 5 with a dark yellow or brown to a more prominent darker brown on the ends. I'm thinking Cateye Hybrid and the size is 0.652 inches at its widest which would be just under 21/32" 3rd Marble Definitely a Cateye 4 veins going from yellow to white on some of the veins and then on a signle vein going yellow to orange and then on the back side of that vein solid white. measuring 0.560 inches or just under 9/32" I'm guessing Cateye hybrid but maybe german? 4th Marble Another Cateye Hybrid 99% Sure because of the clear and defined changes in colour on each vein affected.One vein goes from red orange to blue then back to red, another goes from red to whitey yellow. Measures 0.630 Inches or just over 5/8" Last 2 Marbles are larger "shooters" I think 5th Marble. I think Caged Cateye or Maybe Caged Cateye Hybrid. One vein does show a white to red then back to white colouration. then some of the rest of the ribbons are red with a cream white lining. Measuring 0.851 Inches at it's widest or just over 27/32 6th and final marble of this batch I'm not sure if its just a regular cateye shooter or something more. it has almost a light yellowy white center but is more of a greenish yellow exterior to the veins but this might just be from the inner veins are much thinner... Only 4 veins and measures 0.880 Inches at its widest or just over 7/8" and full of tiny bubbles! Thanks for any help you all can offer!
  3. Interesting! all of these above marbles came in the same container that the what I hope are some early handmade marbles came from so if the consensus is that these are German it might lend some credence to the hand mades being German (maybe ) here is a video I took of the purple marble on its side so you can get a better look at the ends Purple On It's Side here is a video of the second marble Red Second Marble here is a video of the last marble Last Marble
  4. Greetings again! Just picked up what I think are some pretty interesting marbles as well as a few what I'm hopping are hand made lattice early marbles which I will make a separate thread for! these marbles below were purchased from an older antique dealer who told me they were from an estate. I believe I know what the first one is sort of however I am curious as to if it is identifiable to a certain maker? I believe it is a Purple/Violet Cat Eye Hybrid as it has different colours of purple as well as defined white lines also on the ribbons. I am going to try to include a video at the bottom of the purple. It measures exactly .675 inches which is between 43/64 and 11/16 It is quite bubbly and also has some firebrick in it most noticeably on some of the ribbons. Clear base glass, no hint of any colour 2. red white swirl with small black specks that are under the surface of the glass only in the red areas measures .687 inches 11/16 very small "divot" visible in the top middle and top left of the collage image. 3. Really neat looking marble the white isn't as bright as number 2. has red as well as orange striping and measures .672 inches so almost exactly 43/64. I tried to show the end as best as I could. CAC maybe? View My Video
  5. Starting to get into some more interesting marbles I have a number of very similar to#3 & 4The Number 3's that I have are more of a white/clear/translucent with a small splash of yellow or other colours but very very similar in design to #3, The #4's are different colours also with the same divided lines going from one pole to the other. 1. 5/8 2. 5/8 3. 5/8 UV reactive 4. 0.484 Inches which is just under 1/2" actually its 31/64 5. 21/32 If I had to make an educated guess I would guess (please forgive me if completely wrong lol ) 1. Master, or Marble King Blended Boyscout? 2. Master Sunburst 3. Akro Lemonade Patch... (patent pending lol )(Absolutely No Idea What It Is) 4. No Idea.... 5.West Virginia Swirl???
  6. Thank you very much Steph and Ron!
  7. Starting to weed though what I have. probably have another 15-20 I wouldn't mind knowing more about, I really like the last two marbles shown . the last one has a pretty neat blue ribbon going all around on one side as well as a slight hint of purple in one spot. tried to show the sides as best as possible. on the first marble I did underlight it but it is quite opaque same with the seconds but on the second it has lines of transparent clear glass... for lack of a better word None react to UV light. 1. 16.15mm roughly 5/8" 2. 16.3mm roughly 5/8" 3 16.6mm 21/32" was thinking it looked similar to some Peltier Nationals that I saw on MarbleAlan.com but not quite exactly the same 4.16.5mm closer to 21/32" 5 16.27 exctly 41/64" Thank You!
  8. Thank you for the fast reply and help! in this thread and the other I feel very weird making new posts for each 4 or 5 marbles I am curious about as I do have quite a fair amount but with each identification made I am able to remove a few more outside of what have been posted because there are a few doubles. If it's alright I am going to post another 5 marbles in this post but if it is better I will gladly create a new thread (Just don't want to clutter up the forum) I also took 2 quick photo's of the box of marbles but I'm not going to ask anyone to name all of them in the box or even any because that would be difficult to do and have everyone on the same page, that is unless you see something mindboggling and I will glady take some pictures of it/them . There were a couple hand made larger marbles like the fellow in the center but he was soooo dinged up that he would need a major restoration, A few clay marbles also. On too the Marbles! None are reactive to black light 1 16.25 mm so closer to 41/64'' 2 16mm so about 5/8" 3 16mm so about 5/8" kind of neat little guy the top 3 photo's are without a light underneath while the last 6 have a light shining though. Quite dark base colour more of an extremely light blue when lit from under... maybe a patch? 4 15.6mm a touch under 5/8" and with a lot of bubbles on the inside and even I think firebrick or something? (white line of something solid seen in second shot of the collage photo) I think the ends are at the top right and bottom left also in the same shot mentioned previously with a very small almost U shaped end seen in the seconds larger individual photograph 5 from 16.37mm to 16.6mm so from 41/64" to 21/32" Thank you all again for the help!
  9. Continuation on the first thread found here http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21667-oxbloods-and-others-found-in-a-cigar-box/ I needed to remove some images from the other thread even though I had more because I was told it was too many by an automated response but the rest should be here if the same thing occurs in this thread! http://postimg.org/gallery/3fs06ds86/f04590f6/ Down to business! The last 4 marbles in the image below I am not sure of, the first 4 are in the thread mentioned at the beginning of this post. 5th Marble I think maybe...? an Akro Corkscrew as it literally is like the thread of a screw and you can easily see down the middle. when looked at from above. looks like 3 colours but might be classified as 2 because of bleeding? 5/8" 6th ??? maybe Akro corkscrew? 5/8" does react to a black light 7th very similar to 5th with only Green and Red with white interior. "screw design???" 5/8" 8th very neat little guy 9/16th I really have no idea Maybe CAC? but would this be considered a 2 colour flame? white is completely opaque Thanks again!
  10. I was unable to post every angle of each marble in my original posting ( I think I will have to edit images and make it so each angle is in a single photo before uploading) however with that said I am going to post a link to the photo hosting site I used with all of the marbles on it in case you need another angle not shown in this thread It might be there. http://postimg.org/gallery/3fs06ds86/f04590f6/ Thank you again!
  11. Greeting! As I said in my intro thread been a lurker and recently looked a little closer at an old White Owls cigar box I had picked up in the summer from what I was told was an elderly individual (purchased from a picker) that was full of some really neat looking marbles (first marble I picked out is the first one shown. Please excuse the photo's trying to get the hang of taking pictures of marble. If you would like photo's of any spot not shown don't hesitate to ask! If you want to see a larger version of the photographs just click on the photo and a larger version will open in a new tab. All are completely uncleaned I believe I know what the first 3 are however because I am just starting out wanted to be 100% The first one measures 3/4'' on calipers while the last 3 all measure 5/8'' The 1st Marble I believe is a Akro "Shooter" Oxblood Lemonade Swirl (reactive to black light) 2nd Akro Oxblood Silver (or could it be milky?) not reactive to black light as purple is from the light 3rd Oxblood Lemonade Swirl (reactive to black light) 4th Not so sure, it is slightly reactive to a black light in a similar fashion as the base glass of the first and 3rd marble are but other than that not sure of the maker maybe an Akro Corkscrew? Thank you for all your help, I will be posting another thread with another 4 not shown right after this to help in the identification aspect per the tips at the top of this sub-forum.
  12. Hello, I have been a lurker on the boards for a few days now and decided to become a member as it seems like a very nice place (and I wanted to see some pictures of marbles ) I purchased a full very old cigar box of marbles back in early summer and was interested in identifying them with a little more certainty. I also have a father who has jars of marbles tucked away throughout his house I thought it might be a good idea to get myself acquainted with identifying them now. I dabble in dealing with antiques, and collectibles as well as other items online here and there. I have built up good relations with a number of antique dealers, pickers and also run around to the local auctions and yard sales whenever I can. With that being the case their have been numerous times when I have seen Bags, Boxes, Jars, etc of marbles on my travels but never really looked too deeply into them other than looking to see if they had hand ground pontil's (basic knowledge at best, which I am going to hopefully start to change now). However after purchasing that box of marbles I recently decided to take a closer look as cabin fever had started to set in and noticed one of the first that I picked out looked quite interesting (oxblood limeade or lemonade shooter)(I think ) And here we are! With all of that said I probably will be selling most of what I find, (trying to be honest) but you never know once you take an interest in something that's when a hobby starts! A Big thank you for this extensive information resource to the administrator and all of the moderators!
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