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Everything posted by marshgrass

  1. The two ends, are in the pictures, and can be identified by the black spots, that seem like extremely weak pontils on the blue/white corckscrew. I think I'm over analyzing them though, and are probably just spots from playing the game...
  2. Hi Steph! I'll get back to you with some measurements, here's extra pictures, sure looks like this one may be hand made as well.
  3. I found the following marbles diggin around my backyard of a house circa 1840. Everything I have found dates from 1840-1929 so far. The big marble measures 1 1/8th inches and has the two pontils, as do the really colorful and peeling paint one. The green and white/blue seem to be from a mould. Any ideas? I need to figure out how to use my dropbox so that I can link to more detailed pictures.
  4. Hey y'all, My name is Chris. I've been doing some sleuthing in the backyard at our house circa 1840 in Charleston, SC and have found a few marbles that I know nothing about, but I'm quickly getting hooked! Stay tuned for pictures and many questions!
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