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Everything posted by sir9salot

  1. Hi Edna!... Warren here in Phoenix... Yeah, the brief story I heard was that someone broke in and stole his collection but I forget who told me that.... is that the way it happened?
  2. Steph... I never got to meet Edna... heard her name, however... Yes, there are bead shows out here... In fact, we had the "Bead Museum" out here from 1984 to 2011 and when it closed the collection was donated to a bead museum in San Diego... And we also have every conceivable art type showcased at numerous venues throughout the year... this is one of the most artsy-fartsy places in the country... Not great marble country though... Very hard to get a good one in the wild anymore... but we continue to look and always will, eh?
  3. Hi Bud... Yeah, once you get the bug you can never really stop.... One of my greatest thrills has always been finding a really good marble in the wild, the first collector to save it from a jar in some out-of-the-way antique store... Picked up a dead mint 13/16" superman in Glendale AZ once... the guy was asking 10 dollars for the jar.... I offered him 50 and he couldn't believe it... I showed him the superman and told him it was worth much more than the 50 I just paid him. He was still very happy to get 5 times asking on the jar and he took my number and for the next 4 years he called me whenever he got marbles. It worked out for both of us. Welcome to the hobby, Bud... Take care... Warren
  4. Thanks Steph... many of the posters here have WAY more knowledge than I do and I've already learned plenty by reading the posts.... I took a few hours and looked back as far as '05 and read about the exotic controversy (see my avatar). I'm astounded by John McCormick's knowledge of manufacturing marbles and now I've got to have some of his.... Would like info on how to acquire some.... I was friends with Bo Stiff and miss him terribly.... He welcomed people into his home warmly and loved talking about marbles. When I needed cash Bo bought many good ones from me including my black and red popeye, the only one I've ever seen... some say they don't exist but at least one does... perfect popeye, too... I was out of collecting for 8 years and have started over... from scratch. Looking forward to attending some shows starting in Seattle this summer and Vegas in October... Take care, Steph
  5. Hey Bud... I too am new to the board...Howdy from Phoenix! And, yes it is a dry heat.. or that's what we keep telling ourselves... Warren
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