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    Midwest, Missouri
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    Ballroom dance, gardening, various crafts.

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  1. Thanks in advance... sorry pic #2 is a bit blurry... I can retake if necessary... One looks like a Bennington? Pam
  2. Thanks, that will help me if and when I list them for sale. I'd like to be able to include keywords for searches, without knowing their names it's difficult to know how to write a description. Pam
  3. I've pulled a few from the last post and would appreciate any names or makers, if they are vintage or new. ... I hope the photos are ok... Thanks again! Pam in KC
  4. I may try to sell part of my collection but would like some opinions if any stand out as valuable or if I might benefit by selling them 25-50 at a time... Any ID help would be greatly appreciated as well... Thanks. Pam
  5. MrM, I'm with you, I thought it would be easy to ID them as well. I bought books, searched and searched online and I still can't id them correctly. I tend to look at the color rather than the pattern I think... anyway, I am grateful to have these experts among us! Pam in KC
  6. Sadly, I do have a really thorough book by Robert Block, 5th edition. The trouble I have is that they seem to all look alike to me. For instance I was certain I had an oxblood... nope... but it sure looked like one to me... I think I may just get them all together and sell 'em. My father was the collector and I wish I would have listened closer when he talked about them. It would take me years to ID each of them. Thanks again... Pam
  7. Thanks again... I'm so very confused and amazed at your (all of your) knowledge on these. Mikie... I'll send 'em right away! Ha
  8. Is "slag" a good one? It really has had some handling... bumpy, rough... Here's a few more views... Thanks again! You guys are great! Pam
  9. I loaded pic onto photobucket then linked to it...
  10. I have a really hard time uploading larger photos here.. it's limited to a certain size... but I will try again. Thanks.
  11. Some more for your help identifying.... the 9th one has a rough finish, not smooth. Thanks... again, Pam
  12. Thanks, again... I really appreciate your expertise! Pam
  13. These look the same to me... are they Peltier Rainbo by any chance? Thanks!
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