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  1. It's really quite a mystery. I've had these marbles for a year are about 60 of them that have similar traits and undoubtedly come from the same run or short period of time. I've had people on other forums call them All Reds, Black line All Reds, Type 3 tiger eyes and Opals (BTW, they are opalescent). Maybe they are a combination of a few different ones and the guys at Vitro were just goofing off. It's bugging the crap out of me though. Not knowing their history hurts me deep in my marbled heart.
  2. I don't think they are veneered. All them have color diving from pole to pole until it all collects on the multicolor blob in the last pics of the first post. Also the white goes well into the marble and doesn't just exist on the surface. Here are some backlit pics to show the inner workings.
  3. Here's the cousins from the same lot. In the third one, you can see blue and yellow inside the clear glass part. They all have clear glass and are translucent.
  4. I will take some pics of their relatives to show you why I believe them to be Vitro. Also, they were found with a ton of pastel hybrid cats from the 50's and masters. No other modern in the lot. Could be jabo though, but once you see the others, you'll probably see what I see. BRB.
  5. Also, the white is a yellowy tanish color and is translucent. Here's a pic of it backlit.
  6. They are just under 5/8. I believe they may be some kind of tweener tri lite but I'm not too sure. I am nearly 100 percent sure these are Vitro. I have others that seem to be from the same "run" that are definitely Vitro and you can see the progression into these. They are translucent and have a fair amount of clear glass in them as well. The 4th pic shows a line of AV, I believe and the 5th shows that AV after it has moved up to the multicolored patch on the marble. In the first picture, the ones on top have some blue mixed with "black". These aren't in perfect order but you get the picture. There also may be some oxblood in these as well. I'm fairly certain they are early vitro because of the quality of the glass and the clear glass. Also, the last picture, the first marble wasn't in the other photos and has no color on the other pole. Any thoughts?
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