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  1. Hello! A friend gave me a bag of Master Glass cat's eye marbles. The dates: Master Marble Company, Clarksburg, West Virginia, 1930 – 1941 ... Master Glass, Bridgeport, West Virginia 1941 – 1974. My bag says Master Glass, CLARKSBURG, WV. I read... In 1941 the company reorganized. The Master Marble Co. closed and the Master Glass Co. was started in the nearby community of Bridgeport WV under the sole ownership of Clinton Israel. Is this an early bag? WHEN did Masgter Glass Co. start making cat's eyes? Too bad the bag is cloudy! But it is a GREAT GIFT!
  2. Thank you very much for the response! GOOD INFORMATION! I've been studying a lot... enjoying this very much!
  3. Well, I THINK I have a positive ID... I believe I was correct - CHAMPIONS! They match the photos and descriptions I found! I think I am making progress!😎
  4. ****NOTE: These are not in the order I loaded them: The LAST two are marble #1... the FIRST two are marble #3.
  5. I got a small group of 16mm marbles, all in the same container. The first marble (Photos 1 &2) has a whitish background, thinner orange swirls. The second marble (photo 3 and 4) has a red & blue swirl on a white background .. . could it be red-white & blue Old-Fashioned Champion swirl ? The third marble (photos 5 & 6) has orange swirls on a whitish background. I have seen similar marbles listed under CHAMPION. Have I correctly identified the company? Who knew sorting marbles could be so much fun!
  6. I was very happy to get IDs on my three swirls! These came from the same source; but in a separate bag (there were a number of them - all this type). I THINK they are Champion "Old Fashioned" swirls! I'd the beyond thrilled if I was correct! There are 2 marbles shown; photo #1 and 2 are the first marble, #3 and 4 the second marble I tried to photograph. Again, any help is MOST appreciated. What a pleasant way to spend the morning! Dave Ruckser
  7. MANY THANKS! I appreciate the help! Now I know where to go for further research! 😊
  8. Here are three marbles; all from the same "group" I bought. They appear to be similar, but not sure. All are 25 mm. My questions: 1. Is this a "swirl" pattern? 2. What company? Thank you for your attention! I HAVE been able to identify a couple so far!!!!
  9. THANK YOU for responding! I am also thinking Marble King! I had purchased a small bag of marbles, all very much alike... 16 and 25 mm. I appreciate all responses!
  10. Thank you for your response! 😀
  11. These are all from the same group purchased. They are nice patch marbles - I am trying to identify a company that may have made them! One has what looks like a maple leaf!! If they are foreign, that's OK... I like ALL marbles. My goal is to (1 Try to establish a maker (2 Try to establish a date range (3 Identify a TYPE (patch, swirl, etc. ) I am new, and I am studying as fast as I can... but if I can get a "boost" on some of these.. I think it would help... I would have something to compare! These are all 25 mm. Images show (1 front and (2 back.
  12. Hello! I am a new collector - and I will need a bit of help. I have been doing some research, and I am fascinated by the subject! Who knew marbles were so interesting?!!??
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