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  1. I will try to get a weight on them later - if anyone is interested. 58050152388__E3225742-705A-4123-B329-84D5C4FCC38C.MOV
  2. Brilliant idea. Thanks. They do not float and indeed make a clink when the go into the glass. Thanks to the suggestion, the water seems to have cleaned a film off or something because I didn’t notice before but they are just loaded with iridescent patterns or flakes and I discovered that there are darker pink threads or stripes in at least 2 of the pink ones. They are still lighter weight than an average marble but they do sink. Mysterious.
  3. New development: they glow under UV. The pink turn bright green. As do the white. I am positive they are not plastic. https://photos.app.goo.gl/e9pysv3mqhnCVwiM9 here is a link with more pics Thanks for the feedback Steph. 58043690052__810EA1FE-E31A-4F32-BFD7-5911DAB1ECC0.MOV
  4. Yesterday my friend called and said her mom had a jar of marbles for sale at her garage sale. I ran over and got the marbles, most I can ID I think. A combo of handmade, machine made - all vintage in my opinion. The ones that have me stumped are these pink, white, and one light blue - they feel like they are lighter weight marbles with an odd surface, a Stripe or seam all the way around like they were 2 halves seamed together. They don’t feel like glass but they are hard. There is light blue one but I am not sure the blue is the same thing. There are pink ones and whitish color ones. I am posting the marbles from the jar laid out on a board - feel free to holler out if you see something that looks like it deserves to be identified. But what are the pink and white almost plastic feeling marbles? https://photos.app.goo.gl/84kZUFdPJKr9bvQu5 I am having problems getting photos to upload - hopefully the link is working.
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