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About Des

  • Birthday 10/11/1980

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    Golfing/Rocks-Minerals/Marbles/Hot Wheels

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  1. These are some different pontils, seams dry marks? Thanks!
  2. Here's some randoms I can use help on please and thank you@
  3. Des


    Thank you! Have a few like bottom right. They are a lil smaller than 5/8.
  4. Des

    ID help please!

    That last one has a matte finish, strange.
  5. Des

    ID help please!

    Thank you so much 😁
  6. Some Misc ones I can't seem to pin point. Any assistance please and thank you.
  7. Any possible handmade?
  8. Des

    Help with ID

    Yeah I thought it was neat and surprised for sure. Been obsessed since I took them out 😂 some pretty interesting ones that may be worth cents but in my mind they are priceless!!
  9. Des

    Help with ID

    Thank you so much. I have more I plan to post but trying to see which ones I'm more stuck on.
  10. Des

    Help with ID

    New to forum. Trying to do research. Brought out my collection had it put away for 12 years 😬
  11. Des

    Help with ID

    Any insight to these will be appreciated. I apologize things seem to be running a lot smoother tonight. Haven't seen these types.
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