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About ZoidMeister

  • Birthday 03/23/1958

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    Atlanta, GA

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  1. I really don't do Facebook. A lot of my family is there and I find the atmosphere somewhat toxic and confrontational. Thanks much for the referral to the other site. I'm hoping to be able to determine a fair valuation for that rose painted marble I have. Z
  2. Thanks for the welcome Chad, Regrets that has taken me this long to get back with you. I usually check in on my internet forums during the week while at work, and the past two weeks it feels that tasks have doubled over the previous several weeks. When I get home in the evenings, I go off technology until my wife goes to bed, then it's just an hour or less, and truthfully, I forgot to check back in here on the Marble Connection. Just trying to leanr more, and reconnect. Zoid (aka Gary)
  3. I apologize it has taken me this long to get back with you. I usually check in on my internet forums during the week while at work, and the past two weeks it feels that tasks have doubled over the previous several weeks. When I get home in the evenings, I go off technology until my wife goes to bed, then it's just an hour or less, and truthfully, I forgot to check back in here on the Marble Connection. So, anyway, I am very interested in finding a new home for this marble. I was curious what you might have heard on "the other marble board." Heck, I didn't know another existed. I guess it's time I polish up my Google-Fu and find it. Z
  4. Thanks for the welcome. You seem to have an incredible wealth of knowledgeable members here. I am still trying to learn and navigate the forum software. I am most familiar with the Xenforo platform. This one has a bit of a learning curve for an old guy like me. Looking forward to learning and participating. Z
  5. You know, I meant to do that. The problem with eBay is that one never knows what is legit and what isn't. Then there are sellers that are "wishful thinkers" as well. I never know how to differentiate, so that's why I tried to search out subject matter experts in the discussion forums. Anyway, here is confirmation of size / diameter. It is slightly over 1.0" in diameter. Eternal thanks for all your assistance. Sorry for the crappy cell phone photo. Lighting is horrible here at work. Z
  6. I'm new to the whole marble appreciation thing, however I am smitten by the collecting bug on other fronts. If you had to guess a rough value (+/- infinity), where would you think something like this would fall, if you don't mind me being totally presumptuous . . . . . . .
  7. Here is the backstory: Reason for my visit: Trying to downsize my worldly possessions, I was going through some tins of old foreign coins that I've had for decades (and decades). I ran across a couple of "intriguing" marbles that I found when I was a kid. Was looking to get more information on one of them, the other I am sure is quite pedestrian. The one I am most interested in was found in an old pottery jug when I was a kid that I pulled out of the Mississippi river in Wisconsin during the 1965 flood. My parents cleaned out this old moonshine jug and found a couple of marbles in it, one of them was painted. Regrets on the quality, lighting here at work is atrocious. Z
  8. A few photog's . . . . . . . . Regrets on the quality, lighting here at work is atrocious. Z
  9. Greetings, New to THIS forum, but I've been around discussion forums for a while. The Marble Connection was the first collector forum to come up in my Google-Fu search, hence the "accidental" moniker. Reason for my visit: Trying to downsize my worldly possessions, I was going through some tins of old foreign coins that I've had for decades (and decades). I ran across a couple of "intriguing" marbles that I found when I was a kid. Was looking to get more information on one of them, the other I am sure is quite pedestrian. The one I am most interested in was found in an old pottery jug when I was a kid that I pulled out of the Mississippi river in Wisconsin during the 1965 flood. My parents cleaned out this old moonshine jug and found a couple of marbles in it, one of them was painted. Anyway, I will get a decent photo taken and will be back to post it. Zoid
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