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Everything posted by Ellen

  1. Thanks Steph! The egg is only 1 & 1/8" in length. I appreciate your response!!
  2. Is the first one an error marble? (4 pics) Or just a piece of art glass in the shape of an egg? We have bought full marble collections from marble collectors, and also picked up at estate sales and garage sales over the past 25 years. We know we have some that are vintage, and some that may be not. They have been combined and grouped by color and style over the years, so that is why you are seeing these trays.
  3. Thank you all so much! This is really helpful!
  4. thank you all so much!! I am going to post a few more varieties tonight🙂
  5. Thank you so much for your response. I now have a light box set up (see more recent posts) which has an LED light panel on the ceiling...pictures are much more clear, but now I am getting the reflection grid coming down on the top of each marble, even with a suggested piece of tissue paper covering, and then a piece of computer paper covering. (pictures posted yesterday.) Is that just what is expected, or is there a fix for that? Remove LED panel and set up a white bulb in tent?
  6. I don't want to make numerous posts, so this one will have multiple types, Thanks! Are the cat's eyes anything special, or not? Could one of the red and yellow ones be a Christensen red devil?
  7. I got my light tent box set up, but not an expert on photography! If anyone would be able to help with identification! Still trying to identify many types. Thanks! Group 1
  8. Here is the second group, these are all shooter size
  9. Hi this is Ellen! My husband and I have been collecting marbles for years, without having a lot of knowledge in the identification area. We have been on this forum, watching you tube videos and have books, but still struggling with some. I am going to upload some pictures on two types of marbles, and would like any help that could be given! My camera is good, but I do not have a light box set up yet, so these are a little dark. First picture showing a group of like marbles, then 4 singles of one, then 3 of another. These are approximately 20/32. Any thoughts?
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