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Everything posted by SherryFain

  1. Trying something new to take photos.. measures 19/32
  2. no, it doesn't.. and it's quite dull.
  3. I’m sorry if I’m posting too much. ❤️ Tell me to stop if I am.. here’s another one. Clear on one half and rainbow on the other
  4. I have lots of these too.. also common? Measures 15/16
  5. Has lots of bubbles and glows. Measures 21/32
  6. SherryFain


    Measures smaller at 19/32
  7. Oh and it measures 11/16
  8. I see a little resemblance to the seam examples in the pinned post but Im not confident.
  9. I have no idea.. It came with the haul.. Do you know anything about it? Need more pics?
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