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Guiltynotguilty81 last won the day on December 13 2024

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About Guiltynotguilty81

  • Birthday 07/31/1981

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  1. Pretty sure I got these two at same time…if it helps? I’ve always assumed they were same maker but you know what they say about assuming…
  2. Or champion? Or ? Ugh swirls are so hard 5/8
  3. 5/8, gorgeous! Anyone know what swirl family is she from? thank you
  4. As it turns out none of them were MKs…but wanted to focus on this one, I think someone said this was a pelt, I’ve never seen a pelt like this so wanted to dig in. Included the pic from original posting thanks again ❤️
  5. Added video without flash..thanks. IMG_7454.mov
  6. Hard to tell it’s grey in most pics, did my best
  7. Had the first 3 in my mk collection but thinking the red/yellow is a vitro now? And pretty sure last one is pelt (burnt or woody?)
  8. The last one I am not sure about, I saw someone list a very similar marble somewhere and call it a purple pelt dragon which pretty sure it’s not that (if such thing even exists)
  9. Hard to capture its uniqueness in a photo, I don’t know jabos very well but can’t place it with any other brand. Thoughts? Just over 5/8
  10. Sweet thank you! I have a ton of swirls I’ve collected because they are stunning but I know nothing about swirls. Is there a good resource here or elsewhere for identifying Ravenswood Alley champion Etc?
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