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  1. i have a couple more marbles that are nicely done but i can't say who the makers are...once again i was hoping to tap into the stream of know how here...thanks in advance to the marble heads on this forum... the first one looks like it is marked FS00 and the second looks like MB00 the third BP 98 (i think) and the last no legible to me
  2. Thank you all for the help. It has been informative and thoughtful of the community to help the newbie. Is there a particular pattern this is considered and what is the shiny stuff in the marble?
  3. good afternoon folks...my name is Scott and i am new here...i have been perusing the site and the amount of information here runs very deep...i was hoping the someone/s here may be kind enough to help me w.a marble that i recently acquired...i can't find a signature anywhere but it appears to be well done enough not to be a generic piece...it is about 1.5 inches across and has a nice pattern to it...this is all i know...thanks again for any help that can be afforded to me...here are some photos of it...
  4. my name is Scott and i am very happy i have found this forum...i have navigated the site and some of the marbles i have seen are miniature pieces of glass art...i hope to gain some knowledge since i have just started to pay attention to this hobby...i am a knife person myself but i have come across some nice marbles lately that have peaked my interest so here i am...thanks for having me and ttyl...LPAHG (love peace and hair grease)
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