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Everything posted by Scooter

  1. I don't think it has any AV, but I did discover that it has a translucent base. Here are some cropped photos, last two are with a flashlight.
  2. This one has seems on opposite poles. Zebra or Cork Screw ?
  3. Akroorka could be spot on. I found some " Vacor Iguana's " for sale on Ebay. Hard to say for sure from pictures, but they look very similar.
  4. What does MFC stand for ?
  5. Anyone have any idea who made this one ? Thanks
  6. It's solid opaque. I tried a light both ways, and no light shows through. It's hard to show with photos, but it doesn't really have a definite cork screw pattern, more of a swirl. Thanks for your help.
  7. Any help would be appreciated
  8. I don't think Vacor. Maybe Marble King ?
  9. Scooter

    7/8" ???

    Any ideas on this one appreciated. The swirls are black, and some a dark brown.
  10. Wow, you know Vacors. Thanks
  11. Vacor parrots should also have some white swirls, this one has none. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Thanks, I was told it was CAC when I purchased it, but now I know.
  13. Is there any possibility that this could be a Christensen ?
  14. Thanks to everyone for their imput on this MIB. There are many different opinions, but the one thing everyone seems to agree on is that it is NOT Peltier.
  15. I was told this is a Peltier by the seller. Can anyone confirm ? This MIB has no seems that I can see.
  16. Does anyone have an idea of who manufactured this MIB.
  17. I'm new to this. Can anyone tell me what a MIB is ?
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