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Everything posted by Reconzero

  1. Here's a . 64 size mystery marble ..any thoughts folks?
  2. This cherry red base with a lighter swirl/corkscrew/auger.. I can't seem to spot a seam at all and..I can't distinguish the swirls color, but starts with a glob near surface to a large 9 on other end .. the inside of the 9 spirals down to center.. Any ideas folks?
  3. Thx AK.. what??..i have a keeper marble...?..maybe?..im stoked....
  4. Thank you Sir.. more than good for me.. trying to cull the herd
  5. Well.. this newbie is asking alot to ID 11 pieces.. but you guys are amazing .. give it a go... I would never hold ya to it.. hey people.. i really do appreciate your guys time an effort breast feeding us newbies.. a true THANK YOU.. sorry sbout pic quality..im still learnin
  6. Well people... Watdaya think?.. i came up with two Cameros an a Pontiac...? This is ao fricken hard .. i seem to just not have the eye for this..
  7. Thank you sir.. just been reading(ravenously) the site an trying to learn..its takes time to get a eye for i guess.. the folks here are amazing.. i will follow your advice when posting.. thx for having me.. M. Pool aka reconzero
  8. Thx folks.. you guys are amazing.. an i promise.. soon i wont hafta ask... Read this site for hours already, theres so much to digest.. thx again
  9. Both are shooter size.. any thoughts?
  10. Heres 3 I cant seem to associate with any maker.. Any help would really be appreciated.. thx for your time Reconzero
  11. im stumped people.. any advice?
  12. Just inherited wifes g.Pa's marble collection an now looks like im a collector too.. spent hours online trying to learn as much as possible.. looks like i can learn alot from the pros here.. I'll be asking some dumb questions soon so I'll pre-apologize now.. thx M. Pool. Soon to be retired timber faller .. No. Calif
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