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Jason W.

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Everything posted by Jason W.

  1. Has anyone been too this Akro Agate private museum? The owner seems to be very knowledgeable, and mentions that he has spoken to former Akro employees which have all since passed away. Also, dose anyone know if this YouTuber active on this forum? Perhaps these two might know something more then all of us. I know it’s a long shot but but I’m positive this keystone box will grab there attention.
  2. Nope no hidden maps or water marks, even tried with a flashlight like Wikipedia mentioned.
  3. Yes, I’ve been looking through Stephs study hall. It is very thorough and unbelievable how much has been put into it. Definitely been very helpful to start with. As for this keystone box I believe you’re right about it being a one of one survivor at this point I’m gonna try and get as my eyes on it to see if anyone has more info. Thanks for all the help.
  4. Wow! I’m still in shock over this. Just looking at the marbles they are absolutely stunning a true work of art, the photos don’t do them justice. I’m lucky I tucked them away in a display case for the past 9 years never being touched other the to only to move them to a storage bin carefully placed and put in plastic bag. Just for the better half of a year. Definitely noted though, I will be using gloves to handle the box from now on. I thought about selling but I’ve had them for so long now might as well keep them as prized possession. One thing I’m nothing from the archive link posted. Is that this box is slightly different then what’s pictured in the paper ad’s. For example the lid tucks into the inside of the bottom half of the box and the flaps are hand/ machine cut unlike what’s pictured. Also the dividers have a slant cut along the edges to ease the flaps in place when closing. I wonder if that helps with dating this box.
  5. A little update I found one of blue ones I was missing in my storage tub. I’m still looking to see if I have the last missing oxe blood one. I’ve also posted some Close up glamour shots. Tell me what you think also any idea what the value on this box set would be?
  6. Thank you I will definitely be posting more as my Curiosity was struck when I bought this big bag of marbles from a thrift store a few days ago for $2.
  7. Thank you, until today I had no idea what i had, as my cousin gave me these marbles 10 years ago from an estate sale. The link you posted is what I found search around and essentially brought me here. But that’s the only info I could find by searching with key words as my marble knowledge is not great. I’m sure there’s more info buried around here. But I’ll definitely need some help.
  8. Hello all, I need some help identifying this akro agate keystone box. I wasn’t able to find very much info on these other then the type of box and the approximate timeline of the box. I’m hoping someone can fill me in here. thank you
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