My best friend is a marble enthusiast. He doesn't have an extensive collection of marbles but enjoys making them as a hobby. He's been a super, faithful, and true best friend for about 50 years. And he is even a better person and human being. That he considers me his best friend makes me the luckiest man on earth. His bday is Jan. 24 and I would like to get him a marble that will take his breath away. Obviously I am not knowledgeable about marbles and am seeking advice from all you knowledgeable marble lovers. I have no idea where to begin to look or even what questions to ask. He's a bit thrifty and well grounded so he's not the type of person who would buy a beautiful, one of a kind marble for himself (one that might hurt a bit when he hands over the plastic to pay for it). That's why I'm absorb a little bit of pain. Unfortunately I do have to stay (regrettably) within a budget. Is it unreasonable to expect to get something really nice for no more than $3k. If I'm being unrealistic please tell me.
Thanks in advance for all your help! Please don't hesitate to ask questions or offer suggestions.