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  1. hope this is the correct place for some questions thought i hade a marble with a pontil but i must have been incorrect it was id as a wvs /ravenswood is there a real good too view all the cut lines, pontil, ground faces . also i have some marbles that florese under blacklight does that help age/indentify said marbles some are orange some are yellow green any response is appreciated thanks
  2. Very pretty marble Maybe jabo
  3. Does have a little pontail I think but I can’t photo it
  4. Tried to get some better pictures hope it will help
  5. Is this the 9 spiral I keep reading about
  6. Just trying to get my guess in before someone sets me straight thanks
  7. joey


    does it have a name it is.635 in size
  8. joey


    Just a dull color with a pretty red
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