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jennyafrank last won the day on April 19 2024

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  1. "It's not a marble! It's a cue ball."
  2. One of the 8 I snatched up at an auction today... This one had an old, worn tag with it "German hand. Lutz" Compared to the other 7 marbles though this one is incredible condition. Size 1.5" Black is almost entirely sparkly.
  3. It is just shy of the .75" mark. (I just moved and can't find my calipers....)
  4. Help ID, please. Has an iridescent sheen. Size 1.25"
  5. These were with a group of translucent/opaque Alley swirls I recently acquired. As they didn't follow the same pattern as the others I thought it best to ask for a separate ID. Left (lighter blue): 15mm (Don't know if it matters but this one has a fairly big bubble inside, just off center. It is kinda cool because one of the ribbons wraps around the bubble creating a little loop. Impossible to get a picture of with my current camera.) Right (darker): 15.2mm Thanks for your help!
  6. Are all of these Alley? If any jump out as non-Alley, let me know and I will post individual pictures. I bought them together as one group so I figured they're likely all the same manufacturer.
  7. I'm guessing these are all Alley but I want to be sure. I believe they are all translucent however the one farthest to the right seems to be made from a different glass (possibly UV? Sorry I can't find my black light flashlight so I can't check.) SIZES (left to right): slightly over 16mm; 16mm; 16mm; 15mm; slightly less than 16mm
  8. Almost forgot to post these three for ID.... Thanks for your help!
  9. Size: 16mm Sorry, wasn't ignoring your question I just couldn't find the darn marble. It was outside in a flower pot next to where I take photos. Must've put it there for "safe-keeping" while took other photos.
  10. 4 bands on one side/2 bands on the other Size: (almost) 17mm Thank you!
  11. The yellow and orange marbles in the middle are each 15mm. Marbles on the ends are each 16mm. Thank you!
  12. I've accumulated way too many unidentified swirls, so thank you in advance for identifying a few of them for me. It's super helpful and very appreciated.
  13. Blue: 15mm Red (center): 14mm Red (left): 15mm Are any of these Peltier? And if so, are they considered Miller Machine Swirls?
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