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Kimbernugs last won the day on July 1 2023

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  1. #3 - eBay #2 - Hobby Lobby - Vacor mixed net bags are cheap and I've had great luck finding some beauties. #1 - My favorite place, by far, to buy marbles is right here at work. I work in a medical facility where our patient population is comprised of many elderly people who have held on to not only their childhood marbles, but those of their parents. I have purchased quite a few, but have been gifted even more. If I were to come across some CAC flames, etc. I would be honest and let them know they have something really special. But so far that hasn't happened. My latest gift was a nice lot of Vitro Hybrid Cats, some of which are real killers.
  2. Approx 5/8ths. The base is clear with a yellow-ish hue, but I think that's just from the dirty-yellow bands which appear to all be surface. The base has some bubbles and there are a 2 pics where you can see a dark hair-like inclusion that is sub-surface. Everything else pretty much seems to be at the surface. The color is throwing me, but the structure and bubbles are making me lean towards Pelt. Thanks for your help!
  3. Wow! You have some real beauties there! I love hybrid cats eyes.
  4. The one on the right is very cool. I've not seen one like that. I'd keep it for sure!
  5. Oh wow. I am quite surprised. I'm sure the lady who owns it will be vey surprised as well. Thanks guys!
  6. Greetings all! I am trying to help a patient with identifying and estimating any possible value on this marble she's had for some time. It's pretty much 1" as best I can measure without my calipers. If anyone has knowledge of these types of marbles, can you tell me if it's just called a China or ? and if authentic, about when it may have been made? Any rough idea of value would be cool. Just for info purposes as I don't think she's looking to sell it, just curious. Thanks guys!
  7. I wish I had a few like that one as well. It's a beauty!
  8. Wow Steph - you really know your stuff!
  9. Oh my gosh. What wonderful information. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this history. I was going to hang on to it anyway, but now I have a special affinity for it. I'm going to print this out and keep it with the marble. Thanks to everyone for all your help over the years. Truly a stellar group of people!
  10. Hmmmm. Interesting. I never considered that. The seams looked odd to me, but the colors and wispy-ness made me think Akro. But there were a few Asian-mades in the mix he gave me, although they all seemed new. Everything else was old Vitros and Pelts. Doesn't mean much, I suppose. But thanks for helping me figure this one out!
  11. A kind soul blessed me with these hybrids. Some are just spectacular and colors I've never seen before. The few shown by themselves are all shooters. Some have a few sparkles, hits and a chip, but to me they are all gorgeous!
  12. Hey guys! I came across a few cool marbles and this one looks Akro to me, but not sure. It's a tad over 1". Me without my calipers!
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