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Everything posted by MeSurprise

  1. So basically…. I just have to get lucky and hope someone doesn’t know what they have? 😂😂 brb going to set up and eBay account… 😂
  2. Thanks! I live in a pretty antique-shop heavy area, I checked some out but so far nothing. I’m sure the people around here really know what they’re doing lol!
  3. I really like those ones too! I can’t figure out anything about them though 😅
  4. Hi! I’m very very new to this. I was given some marbles recently and I’ve fallen in love! I was wondering the best ways to find marbles and good ones to look for to start a collection? Obviously online shopping, but I really enjoy a hunt! Also ideas for holders/display cases etc? I have small children so I’ll have to be sure to keep them safe. Buying the more rare ones is a bit out of my budget at the moment, but I think I want to try to go for a rounded collection. One of each kind if you will. All advice is appreciated! Thank you!
  5. Thanks! I was actually thinking to keep 1 of each and giving the rest to my kids 😂
  6. Still just trying to figure out what all I’ve been given!
  7. Thank you!! I’m still trying to learn all about them! I’ve been having a hard time but I ordered a book to help
  8. I was given a bunch of marbles and I was wondering if there's anything good here! Still new to this. Thank you
  9. I was given a bunch of marbles and I was wondering if there's anything good here! Still new to this. Thank you
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