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  1. Oh .y gosh, I havnt been on for a while. But I absolutely love these miss, thankyou for the comments.!!!❤️
  2. Awesome that's very helpful. I love pelt rainbows, so pretty
  3. So beautiful. Slags are my favorite
  4. Thank you that was super insightful! I will study up on those and pull them out as 4sures!
  5. Ok, I shouldn't have posted sooo many....ill try and search out the ones less obvious....thankyou
  6. I have these in my Vitros, I know it's kind of a lot, but hoping I could get some help on the Older ones, wich I believe to be the 2nd row.....1st row have the V, ??? I super appretiate everyone's smarts and openess to giving help.
  7. Thankyou ALL, it's so absolutely amazing to me how knowledgeable you are! I soo appretiate it!
  8. Thank you chinese, transitional? WV?
  9. Here is the one I thought looked so similar
  10. I saw something on ebay that looks a lot like mine, what do you think? CAC Christensen Agate Red Striped Slag Vintage Marble 21/32
  11. That I havnt checked. But I will, I don't think so. I uv lit everything couple nights ago.
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