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StevenJustSteven last won the day on October 21 2024

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  1. I think there is a great resemblance. Possibly an exact match. It looks as though your swirl goes deeper. Which could explain the difference in color. Notice how where the swirl comes to the surface towards the top of your marble pictured. See how it gets whiter and whiter? Because the swirl is white in a pinkish purplish clear base. Seller you go the darker the color gets going from pink to purple I guess. 🤷‍♂️. What size is it? Single or double pontil?
  2. Okay well what do you say to this marble. It has several different colors of aventurine including yellow, red, copper, purple, blue even a pink! It also has some blue and bronze tracing the black. I would honestly both love/hate calling it an Orion’s Belt simply because it doesn’t look anything like the photo example you posted which looks incredible. But it would also be great if it ended up techniquely being an Orion. . 🤷‍♂️ IMG_2037.mov
  3. Here’s another one that I received that is so incredible. This one was one of the hardest to let go of.
  4. Tommy in all honesty, I didn’t have the money for it either. It was a very huge risk on my part. The photos for the auction was good enough to tell they were atleast in near mint condition but the photos weren’t good enough to tell that they ultimately were mostly wet mint. All being atleast mint. I was in a desperate place and it ended up working out for me. Truely a one in a lifetime chance. I’m grateful it worked out for me. It could have really went terribly wrong.
  5. I will mention this. I do wish I would have sold them in a place that would have allowed me to build a presence. Like building repor through having an actual landing place for people to buy from me. Like an eBay, Etsy etc. Whenever someone buys from me I have nothing to proof my quality because there is no way to capture reviews or data logs (how many I’ve sold, and/or examples of previously sold items. Those things are detrimental for the long haul
  6. Facebook groups. Many Facebook groups has guidelines for auctioning, trading, buying and selling. I sold them as BINs. If you one Facebook, the group marblecollectors: buy, sell identify and look my name up StevenCamp would will be able to find all that sold and the price their sold for. I was lucky enough to do well. If I would have auctioned them I would have made a fraction of the price. Here is just a few from what I sold from July to present
  7. Thank you everyone for you input for number 1 I was also thinking Ravenswood until I went checked out some examples for the first time in a while. Any time I see a marble with striations I always think CAC. Much like example 1. What earlier machine made marble makers have striations similar to CAC that is commonly misidenitfied? Photo examples of the striations I’m referring to.
  8. These all measure between 5/8ths and 11/16th
  9. Well the find cost me 6k but it was worth it in the end. So far I’ve cleared just under $14k with maybe 15 left from 94. It has been a huge blessing. Hard to let them go. I’ll compromise several of the higher priced ones and post shortly.
  10. I’m sorry. I was unclear with my post. I was wanting to know if as made marks, like the ones I post examples of are common to find on a CAC. the lot im talking about were nothing but CAC’s. So knowing the maker is already done. IMG_0749.mov
  11. So I recently became an owner of around 100 CAC’s all at once. I am noticing that many of them have what I would call “as made” or “manufacturer marks”. Please see attached photo for illustration. What I am wondering is, is this pretty common? I know several of my previously owned CAC’s had some of these marks as well. It just seems like over 50 percent of this lot has these marks. I plan to sell many of them but I wanted to make darn sure I’m not selling something that has been polished or is modern or anything else that could be going on with them that I am still unaware of. Just wanted to double check myself before making a terrible mistake and causing others distress.
  12. Okwy, so I have tried to get a video or a photo that represents what this marble looks like in hand but much is lost. In the areas that are white, in hand it doesn’t look white at all, it looks half lime green half purplish blue. There is a line of lime green that follows in the white whilst a line of purple follows restpectijg boundaries. Now, the purple could be nothing more than the base glass but the lime green is undoubtedly there. Take a look and tell me what you think about this CAC
  13. Wow. Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I must have caught you at just the right time. I understand how annoying it must get having to explain seeminlyijg the same thing over and over. I appreciate that you took the time to help me understand. Thank you.
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