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Everything posted by SF2KY

  1. I was looking for things to fidget with during work meetings and bought a bag of Vacor marbles from American Science and Surplus. That led to rediscovering why I'd gotten interested in marbles when I was a kid. The difference now is that I can fully pursue marble collecting now because I'm an adult with a job and no dependents except for a cat.
  2. Thanks, y'all! I'm happy to be here and learn from everyone.
  3. My name is Christopher. My interest in marbles was rekindled after moving here with my boyfriend and finding that groups about my core interests (just about anything related to tech) don't really exist in this area. As part of the readjustment process (it was very much a culture shock for me, not so much for him because he's from KY), I started looking for other things to do. Eventually, I recalled my childhood interest in marbles and that led me to learn more about the history of marbles in the US, which is what sparked my current collection. My favorites from an aesthetic perspective are the ones with UV-reactive glass; being a history buff, I also have a soft spot for the ones made with irreparably broken Heisey glassware (pictured).
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