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Everything posted by fantacmet

  1. Can't tell you a thing about it, but it's pretty.
  2. I've given up on childish imagination. Childish behaviour though, now that's another story.
  3. Ok I'm.confused. What makes them cats eyes? I mean I get they're supposed to resemble a cats eye, but I don't see it unless I'm looking at them wrong. Sadly there is nowhere around here I can go like a shop and ask. I don't do FB or Instagram, or anything else owned by Meta.
  4. I'll take more photos of those. I thought those were just basic swirls.
  5. I was definitely off. I was thinking MAYBE marble kings, but akro, and them some smaller stuff. I'm 99% no cats eye but then I could be wrong. Could be light or angle. Entirely possible(very likely) I have not a clue what I'm seeing or talking about. Which one?. I'll get another pic or two. I have some others I'll post up before too long. I even have one that is not fully formed. It's like a molar on one side. Thank you very much for the info so far.
  6. These are some of the ones I've have recently come into. These are a bag of my favorites and a bag of unique ones. Any information would be extremely helpful. I know the names of a few makers and can generally tell old from new, but that's about it. Happy to take any of these out and take closer pictures upon request.
  7. Took a trip to Oregon to empty out storage and visit kids uncle at a Christmas bazaar. Guy selling stuff including antique jars that he randomly filled with marbles. Ammo can for 25 and jar for 18. Basically selling jars at retail and adding marbles just to get rid of them. Turns out these are fairly old. So looking to see what's up. Friend also ended up with over 10k antique marbles and wants them gone. I'll probably buy them. I need to learn how to identify these buggers.
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