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atombaum last won the day on January 9 2024

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  1. Hopefully this eye candy will generate some chatter. Not sure what most of them are, unless they were identified in earlier posts. Would like to know anything, and everything about them. There are some newer ones in the mix, but many came from the 1940s-1950s as mentioned in the original post. My favorites are Group A, and D, but they're all cool.
  2. Thought at first this might be Kryptonite. Not sure if this has anything to do with marbles, but it's a 3.5 lb chunk of green cullet.
  3. Yes I see how it could be Hercules. That's Nigel Green. I knew him first from The Ipcress File (1965) as Major Dalby, also starring Michael Caine, Guy Doleman, etc.
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