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Everything posted by fungusfinder101

  1. So these are some of my big boy marbles. I think they are German swirls but some specific ID names would be helpful. Most are around 2" give or take 1/2" -1/4". Like I mentioned in another post I'm fairly new to marbles. I inherited these and I'm just trying to learn as much as I can.
  2. I believe this is my whole collection of onionskins. Can anybody help me identify the different varieties? Like Cloud, end of days, panelled, etc. Im fairly new to marbles and love learning about them, but their are soooo many variables to consider and that's where I start to get cross eyed ยง~]
  3. I'm me to marbles. I inherited a whole bunch. I'm trying to educate myself but there are so many variables. Any help or guidance would be appreciated
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