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Spn last won the day on September 15

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  1. So tbh I did think after posting this it was just a one off. But I went back and took me a while but is in the sparkler
  2. I know it’s damage but don’t think I’v come across one like this before. I know it not worth nothing even if it was rare due to damage
  3. Most of these are probably vitro but I don’t know a lot of them are not in good condition sizes 1st - .61” 2nd- .65” 3rd- .60” 4th - .74” 5th - .61” 6th - .65”
  4. Thank you cheese. I would spent ages trying to find these out the whole lots was brought together in the uk. In some vintage old tin unluckily some was damaged
  5. So I took two for each one except last got 3 because lighting bad and if I dim down the light to dark in the picture and if I turn the main light on reflection
  6. Are these classed as oxblood the one with dark red on them ? Or just normal European sparklers
  7. Thank you. So these swirls just common ? Probably just a alley’s
  8. Sorted them out from damaged and this is what i have left I know about European sparkler mainly I know most of the patches are probably vitro
  9. Tbh I did get a few swirls in the job lot few Cairo and alleys but a lot of veilligglas and only one opaque all around 5/8” it also sparkles in the light but all over the marble like little specks
  10. Had to screen shot zoom as if I crop a close up it just goes blurry
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