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  1. Hi guys. Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. My name is Art, I just turned 39 and for the last 15 years I have been a full time caregiver for my grandmother. Confession time, I know nothing about marbles. I know, I know. But thatโ€™s why I am here, I need to learn. Anyway the reason I found this great group is because unfortunately the level of care my grandmother needs is more than I can provide, So Iโ€™m in the process of selling my grandmothers stuff to try and raise enough money to send her to the good nursing home in the area. (Well no nursing home is good, there are just less crappy ones) I found about 60 of what I believe are antique marbles, and I read that they can be worth money. So I am on here to learn about them, learn how to clean them and make sure I donโ€™t get ripped off when I sell them. I will post a picture here with them in their current state, but once they are clean, I will put them in the identify my marble thread. Anyway, I look forward to picking all of your brains for as much information as I can. I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day.
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