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About KBL104

  • Birthday November 29

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    Estate Sales

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  1. KBL104


    I have 250+ marbles from this purchase. I would say at least 80% of them are in this photo labeled 1992 5/8" classics from the West Virginia marble collectors club ID page. Going to keep searching when I can as do love the JABO's. But have about 600 other marbles to get to and the learning curve is HUGE!
  2. KBL104


    They are all 5/8" and many of them are on the pages of the link to Marblemary.com labeled Jabo Classics Archives... SO HELPFUL... thank you so much! I agree... believe they are early "un named" runs, but wanted to be sure I wasn't calling them Jabo Classics if they weren't.
  3. KBL104


    Tried to find more info on these (and there are several more in the same batch I bought in various colors. I ordered two jabo/das books but they seem to only picture the later "runs" and not the original early "classics"... does anyone know where there are good pictures of the early ones?
  4. KBL104


    Thank you.... I will take more pictures tomorrow in the light and post them.
  5. KBL104


    Really new to marbles. Was told they had been purchased in about 1998 and forgotten. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Thank you for the info...Clearies.... I have quite a few (50+/-)of the smaller "red/amber" that I pictured as well as 4 shooters... all are stunning under UV light. Do you know who made them? I would like to keep some and sell some but don't want to mis-advertise what I have or overprice them. I sell on ebay and have a good rep I want to keep . I just brought home 6 more jars of marbles from estate sales found today... truly an addiction, but am learning a lot and anxious to learn more!
  7. This marble appears "clear" amber to red in daylight, but under a UV it is quite different and beautiful. Size is 14mm. Saw similar on ebay called a "sleeping red devil" by the seller. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you! Kim
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