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Allies marble

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  1. Ok what do we think about this one... 🤔? The lavender 💜 😍 😊 thanks 😊
  2. What do you think? Peltier rainbo? Thanks in advance ☺️
  3. Peltier? Swirl...? It looks like a tiny storm! Thanks!🤩
  4. This one is to brown to be oxblood right? I first thought limeade oxblood but the mint is a bit to solid...and the brownish wasn't red enough ... Thanks in advance ☺️
  5. Are these Peltier rainbo's? Thanks y'all 😊
  6. I could look at this one for hours... I know I'm new but I'm having a great time! Thanks everyone ☺️
  7. Ok i have been searching for this color combo all over the net... Best guess ? Is it a Akro Agate? Thanks in advance ☺️
  8. Here's a few more pics ... and I found another one in my inherited stash! The second find it just a bit bigger... Thanks for your input!
  9. I feel like I saw a similar one a few days ago but can't find the post! Any help is appreciated!
  10. Here is what I think Alley Agate with shimmering spruce...? It's ok if I'm wrong 😁 still way new to this. Ant help is always appreciated.
  11. I have inherited a collection and I'm starting my marble journey... any help is appreciated! I don't have a measurement tool yet... but it is about an inch wide. The collection came from a German great grandfather.. he would have been playing age in the early 1930s ... Thanks so much!
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