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  1. Def keeping I specifically collect Gibson i have about 8 ive gotten from the Gibson estate including the snakeskin. The snakeskin i was more curious of the value since i hadnt seen one that size but im sure they are out there. The sulphide was the only one i bought elsewhere. I appreciate the advice because im new to collecting.
  2. Hello everyone I want to thank you in advance. I appreciate all the information and knowledge I’ve learned from this site. I primarily collect Gibson Marbles. I have two questions and please let me know if this isn’t OK. First question is can anyone tell me the value of this 3 1/2 inch snake skin Gibson marble? Secondly is anyone able to confirm if this sulphide cat marble is Gibson?
  3. Does anyone know how the value has changed for Charles Gibson marbles over the years? Also can someone show me a a goldstone or any cool Gibson marbles they have? Mine listed below. Thanks in advance! Quote
  4. Does anyone know how the value has changed for these over the years? Also can someone show me a a goldstone or any cool Gibson marbles they have? Thanks in advance!
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