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Everything posted by marblemanvintagemarbles

  1. Size is19/32" i have one that is very similar with a louder color of red that was identified as a master and looking at this one it has the same type seams and they are both a red color. My initial thoughts on the other was kokomo due to how bold the red color is it looks like the famous lipstick red that kokomos have.
  2. 1st one is ⅝" The 2nd one is a tad bit smaller at 19/32" cool mibs
  3. I will get some pictures of them as soon as I get home I went and bought them today.
  4. Size is ⅝" on this one. I felt like i seen one like this in a video in you tube or maybe in joesmarbles but i could just be thinking of another marble with all these marbles
  5. I have an opportunity to buy these marbles tomorrow and I really could use some advice on them. Potential value individually and if they are Navarre marbles. Thank you guys
  6. Hello guys! I have changed my ebay store name to "The Marble Junkie" instead of Marbleman Vintage Marbles. Thanks for all the support and valuable information I continue to receive on here. I enjoy being a part of this group.Β 

  7. Size on this one is closer to ⅝" good looking marble if you ask me.
  8. The glass is actually pretty nice looking. I'm gonna get some different lighting pics and post really quick
  9. This one is ⅝" in key sure that is some Aventurine in one is the veins
  10. I was leaning towards maybe a champion furnace marble size is ⅝"
  11. I thought it looked like a conqueror too but after watching a video on kokomo marbles from mr bahr I seen that they too made marbles that looked strikingly similar to conquerors. This one is way different from all the conquerors I've had before so I thought maybe it could be a koko. Thanks guys
  12. Looks like a black cherry heaton i think but you'd have to get some more opinions.
  13. This one is different than any ive seen. Very cool marble 9/16"
  14. I knew that imperial didn't make marbles but thought they were all made in asia i didnt know Mexico made some too I just assumed that I suppose.
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